Chapter 19

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There's something about running that makes my heart skip a beat. The way the earth feels beneath my feet; my sneakers squishing further into the mud after the rain days before. The way wind flows through my hair. The way the sky shines down onto the trees as they cascade their leaves.

I've been training non stop for the past month. Raven says it's because he wants me to be prepared. Yet, I can sense something coming from the way he looks at me through his eyes. But what is coming? What do I need to be prepared for? Questions he never bothered answering.

"Run faster!" Raven yelled towards me.

I huffed and tried quickening my pace. Raven growled "Gods Dammit Delaney!" Raven roared.

I flinched at his words, "I said faster! Which means you run faster."

I huffed, "I'm trying!"

"Not hard enough!" He boomed.

The cool wind caused shivers on my skin. Raven has been up tight lately and it's driving me crazy! He's annoying, rude, obnoxious, sometimes calm, although he's stressing me out! I must train everyday after school then train personally with Raven for another hour. I slowed, my legs were aching. I can't go any further. "You can't stop now. One more lap!" Raven yelled at me.

I snarled at him, I stopped running anyway regardless of what he said. "What's your problem." I sneered as I neared him.

"My problem?" He scoffed, crossing his arms to show dominance.

"Yes, your problem!"

"You're running too slow, they're going to catch up to you."

"Who's going to catch up?" I questioned, raising my brow.

Raven realized his mistake and straightened himself, "Nobody."


"I. Said. Nobody." He growled.

"And I. Said. Who?" I mocked.

Raven turned away from me, "I'll see you later when you decide to stop acting like a child."

"Hah, a child?"

"Yep." He mused. He turned his back from me and began to walk away.

I rolled my eyes at him, a child? Maybe I wouldn't be one if he decided to not work me so much. And if he trusted me enough to speak to me about what was going on.

I turned the opposite way and began to way away. Raven turned, "Where are you going?"

I glanced back, "Home."

Raven took a couple of long strides and took my arm. "No you're not, you're staying here until Jax can take you home."

He pulled on my arm, "No. I'm. Not." I growled.

He let go of my arm, "I'm not going to take your sass. You're coming with me, Now."

I felt it. I felt his auras, they're so strong it took all my strength to try not follow him. "Damn you thats not fair!"

"Don't talk to me like that." He turned away and began to walk again. I followed after him. After a few minutes of silence we made it to his room in the pack house. I sat down in the chair in the corner of his room while Raven got undressed.

"I'm taking a shower." He stated.

"Fine, I don't care."

Raven retreated into his bathroom, I soon heard the faucet turn on and the water hit the floor of the shower. I got up and went into his closet, I picked out one of his shirts. I took off mine and slipped his over my head. I wasn't going to stay in sweaty clothes for another hour or two while Jax took his time with his work. I took a pair of shorts that were folded neatly on a shelf and put them on. They were huge on me although, I did not care.

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