Chapter 14

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    You woke the next morning to Jarvis bothering you to get out of bed. I glared in the general direction the voice was coming from. "I'm up, J," you told him.

"Very good, Miss," he replied pleasantly. You hoped that him being more annoying than usual wasn't him getting back at you for making him play the Wicked soundtrack 3,000 more times since you saw the show.

You dressed quickly in jeans, the Loki t-shirt Nat had gotten you, and a hoodie that may or may not have originally been Loki's. A couple passes of a brush through your hair had you wishing for your magic back to actually be able to do something with it. Loki had taught you quite a few hair spells with strict orders never to tell Thor about them. Unfortunately, you couldn't do any of them right now, so a ponytail would have to suffice. Besides, you were going to school. There wasn't any reason to dress nicely or really care what you looked like there. You weren't happy that you had to leave your daggers behind when you didn't have your powers, but you couldn't take them to school. At least you would be spending the day among humans and Nat had made sure you could take care of yourself.

You were surprised that Thor hadn't woken while you were getting dressed. You wrote him a post-it note that you were fine and had left for school and carefully attached it to his forehead. Somehow he still didn't wake. You took a picture of him, smirking at the sight of him lying on your couch with a bright yellow post-it note on his forehead.

You weren't at all surprised to see Loki waiting for your outside of your suite's door. He was back to how he normally looked. "Morning, Loki," you greeted him before you stood up on your toes to give him a kiss.

"Good morning, witchling," he replied with a smile, taking your school bag off of your shoulder so he could carry it himself. Your books were taken from your arms with gentleness, but enough speed that you couldn't fight him.

"Loki, I need those," you grumbled at him, reaching for the books. Silly Trickster.

"I am aware of that. That is why I am carrying them," he replied pleasantly. You sighed and rolled your eyes.

"Fine, silly trickster," you teased him, but while his hands were busy, you got a selfie of you kissing his cheek. "Jarvis, can you print off that picture and the one I took of Thor this morning?" you asked the air as you and Loki walked to the elevator to head downstairs for breakfast.

"Yes, Miss. They will print to the printer in the livingroom."

"Thanks, Jarvis!" you called. You finally noticed that Loki was wearing the Stark tech again. "Tony put that stupid thing back on you?" you demanded grumpily.

"Yes. He still does not like me. I could not put up an argument, as I was unconscious at the time. It is fine. No need to fight him over it," he added before you could get your temper up on his behalf. "Witchling, are you sure you would not prefer to stay home from school?" Loki asked, noting that you had moved closer to his safety when the elevator doors opened to the living room.

"I have to go. I have a calculus test today," you reminded him. He'd helped you study for it earlier that weekend. Loki set your things down next to your place at the dining room table and the two of you went to make breakfast together. Loki shoved you behind him the second you entered the kitchen, though. The teen you had saved was in there in a new red and blue suit.

"Hi! I'm Spiderman!" he greeted you all like an overly excited puppy. "Mr. Stark made me a new suit," he looked over the two of you. "I know you! You're Loki of Asgard. Thor's brother. The one who tried to take over the world." Loki growled at the kid until you placed a hand on his arm, calming him again. "I don't know you," he told me, but the expression on his mask was off. It was harder to read him when you couldn't see half of his face.

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