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Jones just stood there, clueless and with tears starting to fall. There she was, standing in front of a man she knew. He was the man who came out of prison and wanted to do some good. And here he was, his face stoic.

"You promised me!" she shouted, her voice filled with sorrow and anger at the same time.

The Robed One/Jose did not answer.

"You promised!" She had a lump on her throat. The tears were touching the ground. "You promised me!"

Still, he did not answer.

"You. . .promised that you won't fall for him! You PROMISED!"

"That promise no longer stands."

Jones only stared at those heartless eyes. She knew that Angelo done something to him. To Jose.

He was controlled.

She sat on the ground, crying. "You. . .you promised."

"Take her," he said, his eyes still heartless and his face still stoic.

The two burly men standing got her arms and attempted to take her, but Jones ducked to avoid a punch that was about to hit her. One of them took out a taser and tried to immobilize her, but to no avail. She took out her gun and shot the man twice before he staggered backward and slumped on the corridor, dead. The other officer swung a baton at her but she shot his leg, making him kneel and wince. Then, she aimed the gun at Jose and pulled the trigger.


With a grunt, she drew out her taser and before he could react, a bolt of electricity came out from the weapon and connected with Jose. He ended up twitching on the floor.

The tears dried and was replaced with anger, determination, and burning passion. Her eyes were filled with revenge. I'll kill you Angelo. I will definitely find you and kill you until you bleed no more, she thought angrily, with each thought making her madder than ever.

She rushed into the well-lit room and saw a man in a business outfit, kneeling beside the child whose forehead had blood trickling down and hugging him. The man's leg was restrained and his hands were bound by magnetized coughs. The child wanted to cry as soon as the man turned to her.

"Thank you. . ." the man said. "For saving us."

"No problem," Jones replied. "You're Andrew Robinson, perhaps . . ?"

"Of course," the man answered, smiling despite his stained suit and sweaty head. "You must be one of the people that Richard was talking about."

Jones became even more serious. "We need to get out of here. Jose--"

"Jose? Who is he? Is he the man who hurt my child?"

Jones didn't want Andrew to know that it was him. She was also mad. "No," she replied, beginning to work out how to unlatch the cuffs and free him from the dungeon. "It wasn't him. It was someone else." She breathed. "Do you guys have a gun or something. . ." Her eyes scanned the room and she found a knife with blood on the tip. The child flinched. She grabbed the knife and began cleaving the metal chain in half.

Once the metal blade connected with the chain, a scraping sound would escape, which was annoying. A full minute passed and the chain was broken. His leg was free.

"We can worry about the cuffs later," she said, helping the child up. "For now, we need to get out of here."

When they got out, the burly man that got shot in the leg moments ago already had a taser aimed a Robinson. He managed to avoid the blast before she fired her own and forced the police officer to his knees.

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