Transfer student!? ~ chapter 7

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(y/n) P.o.v

because of the stress i didn't sleep so i was pretty a ticking time bom i was listenling to music to keep me a little awake and went to school to meet kuboyasu walking to school just when he noticed me too he looked a bit intimidated i don't know why?

kuboyasu P.o.v

i was walking to school when i noticed (y/n) but when i looked at her to call out to her i was a little bit intimidated she looked scary, tired and she gave off a look like "leave me alone or i'll kill you" and it was pretty intimidating

(y/n) P.o.v

"hey kuboyasu" i say greeting the said boy

"h-hey (l/n) d-did you sleep well you look tired" he asked

"no" i say while yawning at the end

"what do you mean no, didn't you sleep??" he said worried a bit

"i couldn't to much stress" i say

we talked most likely me being scolded that i didn't sleep or something

saiki's P.o.v

'yare yare, i hope this project will not give me more attention then i want' i thought while walking through the school gate

i still haven't figure out why i said her first name but i don't care

(y/n) P.o.v

we went into the classroom we were pretty early but when we came in we hear people talk about a new transfer student

"hey did you hear, there's anew student coming in our class i heard he's super rich"

"nah men, i don't think he's rich are you sure you heard that"

"hm.. a new transfer student i wonder who it is" nendou siad out of no where

"eek!" i shrieked at what he siad to my surprise behind me and jumped in progress

"oh sorry (l/n) i didn't mean to scare you" nendou said apologising

"o-oh it's nothing" i say still calming down from the scare

"so hey (l/n) why are you listenling to music? even thought we're talking to you?" kaidou asked

"oh to keep me awake i didn't sleep last night soo~ hehehe~" i laughed it off nervously and scrachted the back of my neck

"oh, but what are you listenling to, to keep you awake then?" kuboyasu asked now curious about it too

i unpluged my earbuds and put them into kuboyasu's ears and played the song i was listenling to

after this song kuboyasu played the next song pretty curious about what else the playlist had

mid the song kuboyasu undid the earbuds and played it so everyone could hear it but only the ones around us (a/n: nendou, kaidou, kobuyasu and you

when this song came everyone was surprised by my choice of music but saw how exausted i looked and putted the earbuds in the phone and putted them into my ear saiki had arived mid the second song and was forced to listen to my music but he was more surprised by how tired i looked then my music taste. after the last song ended kuboyasu gave back your phone and earbuds but just when you were about to put them into your ears a ruckus began

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