Chapter 8

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The sound of rapid hammering filled my head, stirring me awake. I forced my tired eyes open and glanced around the room in search of the culprit. Bubba stood by the wall with a mallet in his hand. His back muscles flexed visibly through his shirt as he hammered each nail into the wall, boarding up the window I had discovered earlier...or was it yesterday? I have no idea how long I've been asleep.

My hands felt around on the bed in search of the shears I'd discovered. Tossing the pillows aside and digging through the blankets, I frantically searched for my weapon only to find that it was missing. 

I glanced back toward Bubba who still didn't realize I was awake and spotted the silver metal handle of the scissors poking out from his back pocket.

Aw crap. Yup, he's definitely angry with me. How could he not be, h found the scissors! I have to play this right. Make amends for what I did and regain his trust. That's the only way I'll make it out of here alive.

An old saying came to mind, one my grandmother taught me: 'You catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar', and that's just what I'll have to do. Be as sweet as honey because being snarky and disrespectful is only gonna get me one thing; killed.

I sat up in bed and stretched my stiff muscles.  Running my fingers through my hair, I smoothed out the frizzy mess and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, trying my best to look half-way decent.

"Good morning,"  I croak, my voice still groggy with sleep.

He paused mid-swing and craned his neck to look at me. His eyes narrowed into a menacing glare.

Okay, that proves he's mad, considering he's usually thrilled when I even so much as acknowledge him.  

He ignored me and went back to his work, pulling a nail out the pocket of his apron and hammering it into the board.

I climbed to my feet and sauntered toward him. The smooth concrete floor was cold beneath my bare feet making me wish I had my favorite pair of fuzzy socks on.

Standing beside him, I leaned back against the wall. "I, um, want to apologize for last night." 

He didn't pay me any attention, just went on with his work. I sighed and gently touched his shoulder. His shirt was drenched in sweat. He must have just come in from the outside. 

"My behavior was completely uncalled for, I know that."

He flinched at my touch before shrugging my hand off. I slipped underneath his arm and stood in front of him where he had no choice but to look at me. His arms flanked either side of my head. Raising my fingers to his face, I rested my palm against the cheek of his mask. The texture made me cringe and want to recoil, but I put on a brave face and smiled sweetly. His eyes widen as he drops his arms to his side.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you and calling you and your family crazy. I was upset and frightened, and I didn't mean those things I said." I blurted out as nicely as I possibly could.

He stood as still as a statue for what felt like an eternity. I tried to read his expression with what tiny bit of his face I could see through his mask, but it was nearly impossible to know what waa going through his mind. He raised his hand up to my face. I braced myself so I wouldn't show any trace of fear. He ran his fingers across my cheek and down my neck, the calloused pads played across my collarbone. 

"Do you forgive me?" I said, brushing my fingers over the palm of my hand twice to sign the word.

He watched my hands as I exaggerated the movement for him again and softly repeated the word "forgive".

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