Chapter 15

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Callie's POV




A soft whine.

"Billie, please," I beg and she groans in frustration before rolling over to look at me, only opening one eye.


"You need to get up. You have an interview, remember?"

She had ignored her first alarm completely, and I decided to let her because I know how tired she's been ever since her break ended. Interviews, mixers, meetings, intense new choreography, photo shoots, studio sessions and whatever the hell else they decide to make her do.

She's been working her ass off the past few weeks and she still has months of this kind of thing ahead of her, even though I can tell it's already starting to take a toll.

"I'm not going," she mumbles and buries her face back into the pillow. "Fuck them."

"I know it's exhausting, but you can't just ditch the interview, babe. You know how they'll spin that."

I reach out to rub and scratch her back gently, smiling softly when I feel her instantly relax under my touch. I let her enjoy it in silence for a few minutes before checking the time and seeing that we're really cutting it close.

"You really need to leave soon," I say softly and lean down to pepper her cheek with kisses until she squirms away from me with a smile.

"I just want to stay with you all day. It's your last day here," she says with a sigh, her brief smile disappearing. My quarter break is up, meaning that tonight I have to head back to my dorm to be ready for classes starting again tomorrow. "I'm already tired of all this publicity and tour prep shit."

"I know, baby, but think about the pay off. Soon you'll be on stage in front of thousands of happy fans every night again."

"Yeah, but then I won't be with you," she replies and my heart sinks.

We haven't talked in depth about the fact that when Billie leaves for tour it means we won't be seeing each other in person for months, and I've been dreading the conversation.

I was hoping it wouldn't be a problem for a while, but the tour ended up being planned for way sooner than either of us expected, which means we have to confront the issue sooner than either of us wanted. It also means Billie is being forced to work her ass of to prepare for it in such little time, which is clearly taking a toll on her physical and mental health.

"Don't think about that," I reply, attempting to shrug it off.

"I can't not think about it, Cal! You've been keeping me sane these past few months and now I'm not going to see you or hold you or kiss you for months!" Her eyes start watering and I frown, pulling her in for a tight hug.

She nuzzles into my neck and hugs me back just as tightly while I rub her back soothingly.

"I can't do the interview today," she mumbles into my neck after a little while and I just nod slightly before pulling away.

"I'll go tell your mom you're sick. Look the part by the time we get back," I say and kiss her cheek gently, making her smile softly.

I get out of the bed and put on some sweatpants to cover up my bare legs before heading downstairs, finding Maggie in the kitchen.

"Good morning," I say and smile slightly, watching as she grins back at me.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Is Billie ready?"

Curious // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now