Chapter 4

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"The hell you are," is the first thing Tyler says when I explain the situation in the hospital hallway.

Emily and Taylor both fell asleep a short while after making their demands, and I left them in the quiet but capable control of my ex-mother-in-law. For some reason, she seems to like me more now than she ever did when I was married to her daughter. But God help me if I try to understand why.

Nurses part around Tyler and me as we argue in the middle of the hallway. I try to move over so they can pass, but Tyler grips my arm to keep me from getting away.

His genial expression is replaced with a glower. "Don't give me that look," I say.

Tyler shakes his head. "I'll give you whatever look I damn well please when you're talking stupid, boy."

"This woman saved my family, Ty. My family. The least I can do is go down there and rip down some of the red tape."

He lets out an exasperated sigh. "Speaking as your friend and not in an official capacity at all, there is no way in hell the suits will let you tag along with their operation this time. This isn't a search and rescue. This is an active hostage situation. The big guys in Jacksonville have it handled."

"Then we'll just push a few buttons, feel the situation out. I'm sure they've got it handled. I owe it to my daughter."

"And when that doesn't work?"

"It will."

"If it doesn't," he says, "then I want your promise you won't do anything stupid. You may be a grunt but this isn't Afghanistan. You don't get to wage war here."

"Consider it a peaceful operation," I say.

"You're incapable of peaceful operations," he mutters under his breath.

As we head downstairs to a waiting Jacksonville police car, I clap a hand on his shoulder and say, "That's the nicest thing you've ever said."

The sidewalk outside the hospital is packed with reporters looking for a juicy story, but Ty and I keep our heads down until we're inside the cruiser. Lights flash outside the windows and cameras click against the glass as the masses press in for their scoop until we leave them looking defeated behind us.

It's a short ride to the marina where a small command center is stationed. Uniformed police guard the perimeter and cops in pressed suits hunch over schematics under bright lights.

Tyler flashes his identification and gets us under the tape. A badge sits in the corner with a radio attempting to rouse the hostage taker on the ferry with no success.

Tyler introduces himself to the man in charge, who says his name is Chief Stevens. "If you need anything at all on our end please don't hesitate."

"Thank you," Stevens responds. "We'll do that."

"This is Gabriel Rossi, former Marine Recon. He volunteers with Coast Guard Search and Rescue. His daughter was the one the woman saved."

Stevens nods and shakes my hand.

"I'd like to help out in any way I can, sir," I say.

"I appreciate it, son. But we've got it handled."

Tyler gives me an I told you so look, but I nod at them both so I don't betray my real intentions. Stevens doesn't look like he'd be slow on the uptake and I'd hate to have to kick his ass. "Ty, if you don't mind, I'll have them take me back to the hospital."

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