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"I can't do this." Was the last thing he said before he speed away. Standing there alone it felt like my heart was playing tug of war with me. Rain fell on my face as tears formed in my eyes. After standing there for what felt like forever I finally went home.

"Elijah you can't force her heart to choose you, you just can't." He had been searching for spells, anything that could make Amy choose him over his brother. And here he was coming to me for a solution that I wasn't going to give him. The more I told him that the angrier he became. "I didn't ask you that, I asked you to find a spell to break her bond with him!!"

If I wasn't his mother he would have intimidated me with the way he's acting. "There is no spell to break his bond with her Elijah." Looking into his eyes it was as if he knew something that I didn't. "THAT IS A LIE!! Dad told me you had the spell so where is it?!?"

He took a step forward trying to come inside but I wouldn't let him. "Whatever your father told you was a lie, you could ask Kenzie if you'd think I'm not telling you the truth." His face became soft when realization sat in that I was in fact telling the truth. "I'm sorry Elijah but you have to fight for her love the right way." Pain filled my chest as I could literally feel his own pain and heartbreak.

That's what I hated about myself, I could feel others emotions and I couldn't shut it off. No matter how much I tried.

"I hate you both

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"I hate you both." He said before turning away and leaving. The pain in my chest became stronger as I could feel his hatred. My heart broke into sharp pieces of glass that bled through onto my cheeks as tears. Closing the door I fell onto the floor as I was too weak to stand.

It had became hard to breathe as the fear that my son would hate me had became reality. There was nothing I could do about it. Nothing I could say, his heart was set. I've done nothing to him but love him and my other children with everything I had. After all of these years he still blames me for things I had control over.

As kids their childhood wasn't normal or good. There were a time when their father was abusive to them, including towards me. I wasn't strong enough to fight back but I still tried. Every day I beat myself up over it because I feel I should have done more. Even though I know I couldn't have.

Hopefully one day he'll come around to see that I couldn't have done anything to stop him.

( Thanks For Reading. Comment & Vote. Also idk if I'm gonna do another chapter after this one. This chapter was in my drafts so I went ahead and finished it. )

Twisted Obsession  Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя