Awe Struck

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10. Awe-Struck
WE SHOULD'VE KNOWN. The entrance of the tunnel was locked with a padlock, with iron chains secured over it. It looks like it has been there for a century. "See? How would they easily let people access it?" I state.

"Yea, really fishy. If it's just a normal pathway, why do they need to add those security layers?"

"Maybe so nosy people like us wouldn't sneak in for the pleasure of it."
"No. We have to go in."
"We're freaking trapped in this place!" Sana cried.
"Didn't you hear? It's just delayed. We'll get back home."
"But why would they set a fire? It doesn't make sense!" Sana looked around, and immediately, she spotted the burnt bridge in the distance.

"I knew it. That's their goal. To burn down the bridge." She walked over, and pointed towards the bridge.

"See. That's our own way to get back home, and now it's burnt down. They must've done it for a purpose. Lily, I need to know. It's for our betterment." The intense way she stares at toward the bridge made me a little anxious. Fearful for what was about to come next. A weird feeling aroused from my stomach, making me bend a little.

"Ok.... so how do we get in?"
"It's only a stupid padlock. I got this. We only need some fluid." I arch my eyebrows.
"Fluid?" Sana smirks.


When we walk back into the dorms, even the shuffling of feet pulled a nerve string within me. God, I feel like everyone seems suspicious now. The narrowing of eyes, and the prevailing silence made everything seemed suspicious. I open the dorm, but Reagan was still asleep. Sana walked closely behind me, careful as me not to make a loud noise. Sternly, Sana took a seat on a wooden stool, as I look outside the window, where, I saw the guarded tunnel in full view ahead of me.

"Tonight, I'll sneak into the military camp base behind this building. You'll be waiting for me in the lobby of the boys dorm." —"It's closer." — she adds, as of sensing my discontent. What do I tell Felix?

"How am I supposed to go in? Without being suspected?" Sana nods.
"Good question, I know you'll figure it out."
"Wha—" Sana collapses onto her bed and announces,
"Ok. Peasants, stop bothering me anymore. The queen shall go to bed now." And does a dramatic show of falling onto her bed while covering herself in a blue blanket. I felt for my pockets, key is still safe. Reaching for a book, I silently read till nightfall.
Dinner time proved to be another problem. No one was willing to go down to the diner hall again, though the people have emphasized that they have inserted stronger fire resistant measures in the dining hall, and the damaged area has been fully repaired. Still, no one was exactly carefree enough to go back downstairs. Finally exasperated, they decided to deliver the meal to every dorm. Everyone was satisfied. We had a peaceful dinner, at last.
When the clock struck dawn, or a little past, it was 1AM. Even the night owls must be asleep by now, or so we thought. Sana opens the door gently, careful to block the rays of light beaming into the room from view. She walks out first, beckoning for me to come out. I gave one last look to Reagan, who I couldn't see clearly from the darkness of the room. Gently, I close the door behind me. We tiptoed down the stairs and parted ways as she walked out, making a left. I turned the opposite way, and sneaked into a dim pathway that connected our dorms. As I reach the front of the boys dorm, I thought of the many ways to go in. I look around, and a partially opened window caught my eye.

After a hefty climb through the window, I took a long deep breath, and closed the window behind me. The long fingers of moonlight dimly lit the shadowy hallway. I wandered forward, where the main lobby was. All of a sudden, a hand covers my mouth and pulls me into a corner. Instinctively, my body starts rebelling the frosty hands that was over my mouth. "Mmmmppp" I cried. The other hand held my shoulder and pinned it down in place.

"I'm trying to help you." A husky voice whispered in the dark. I stopped my movements. This voice.... Re?

"I swear I heard rustling." A voice said in the distance.
"It could've been just a cat. There seems to be a lot roaming around here lately." Another voice commented.
"Doesn't hurt to be cautious." He replied. After a few moments of looking around, one of them sighed.
"Let's leave, there's nothing." Their footsteps slowly faded away, until it suddenly stopped.
"WAIT." The footsteps drew back. "I left this window partially open. It's closed now. Someone must've sneaked in." A thin layer of sweat started forming on my forehead as the footsteps drew closer. Oh no.... With a turn, Re grabbed me and slipped into another hallway. How many turns are there? We were both careful to be gentle, when a figure materialized in front of us. I looked up, frightened. Then, I released a sigh of relief.

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