5| Liar, Liar Pants on Fire

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Trey was using his lips to dance over our bodies and Sam is melting into his mouth like soft chocolate.

    "Um...guys," I breathed out with concern evident in my wispy breath.

    "Relax Al. Sam finally got rid of that stick in his ass." Trey chuckled against the unraveling boy's skin who tried to protest but was quickly taken back under when the skin beneath his ear was sucked into a warm mouth.

The sight was almost enough to distract me from the timid looking asian girl staring straight at me from the edge of the field.

    "No...really, there's a girl over there."

    Reluctantly they separated themselves from me and peeled their lustful eyes over towards the girl, "I'm really not feeling the fact that people think it's okay to stroll through here like they own the place these days," Sam breathed out and Trey narrowed his eyes briefly at him.

    "She looks like she's seen a ghost." Trey mused as the girl attempted to shrink back into the trees, no doubt feeling the intensity of three alpha males peering at her with heaving chests. An alpha, beta and a warrior? The sight is intimidating.

I walked towards her and she started to scramble away. Using my speed, I ran over and positioned myself in front of her, making sure to leave enough space so the poor girl didn't have a heart attack. Her eyes started darting around and she was on the verge of hyperventilating. I gave reassuring eyes to Sam and Trey as they made their way towards us, positioning themselves off behind her incase she tried to turn and run from me.

    "Hey," I tried to catch her eyes and spoke in the most soothing voice I could muster, "hey...it's okay, nobody's going to hurt you."

She didn't look convinced in the slightest. To be fair it was a cliche and I wouldn't be convinced myself if three strangers circled me in a forest and gave me that bullshit. She looked like the last strand of hope she had left just flew out the window as she let out a helpless groan and slumped her shoulders.

Goddess, what the hell has she been through?

I gave her a once over and she appeared to be no more than 14 years old. She had hair that was long and thick, cascading down her lightly tanned skin and she wasn't a wolf. A thin layer of sweat made her glisten in the now evening sky.

    "My name is Allen." She found a place in the dirt to train her eyes. "Are you lost?"

At times like this, I really wish Ava wasn't avoiding me like the plague. The darn girl started the water works and this was definitely Ava's forte, not mine.

    "I-I don't know. I..." she brought her hands to her temples and started stringing together some very decorated words for someone so delicate looking.

After listening to a lot of babbling nonsense from the girl, I gave up and decided to bring her to my dad. I have to admit that this last week has been a wreck. One too many strangers on my doorstep and too much mating nonsense...sometimes being a wolf is absolutely exhausting. Even with the ability to physically move at the speed of a car, my brain simply isn't quick enough to process all of this.

The sight of my father's office doesn't make it any better. My father's Beta, Chris, is sitting in the chair opposite my father's and he looks like complete shit. He's been gone for about two weeks doing god knows what and I can only image it has everything to do with Alpha Morris looking like he needs a long drag of ganja every two seconds today. My father is seething and it appears he's thrown everything from the surface of his desk giving it a nice new home on the hardwood floor. I haven't bothered him about it because quite frankly we aren't sentimental like that. Besides, I've had my own shit.

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