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CHAPTER 10She ended her call and saw around he wasn't there. Khushi felt some squeezed life out of her.//*~*~*//Aryan smiled at water he clapped his hands together and made sound in amusement, he started walking more ahead his little feets misbalance due to wet sand he grab somelike cloth piece to balance himself.//*~*~*// Lady standing at edge of water with her husband, both were in grossed in their talks when she felt tug on her saree she turn no one at back of her, she look down and found cute little boy smiling at her. Lady squeal in joy she bend down and pick the little boy who look so cute in navy blue baby dress. His milky skin complementing against his navy dress giving him more pretty look.
Hello baby!!! Lady spoke in childish toneBoy didn't spoke, mumm he spoke in his kiddish tone and squeal in joy looking at water.(haawww its sooo big, all these dirty ladies nappies can be clean with this water. like ma does mine she will slap their bums too just like she does to mine. woah sometime it felt good but in winter it hurts he pouted his little lips)you want to go to your mom, where is she. lady spoke again she turn to see whose baby boy was he.HE jumped up and down in her arms his arm stretched Mumm.(ohh water i want to play with it i want to beat water with my hand for making me feel so scared at time when Ma give me bath he twisted his little nose)Man spoke beside lady, ANJALI he is saying mumm i think he calls mumm to water.She laugh at baby and kissed his eyes.You want to go to near mumm,She walk ahead more near to water she sat down on her legs, took little amount of water in her palm and threw on Aryan who wanted to get away from water, (oh god this aunty is behaving like ma she is throwing water on no no i don't want bath here not infront of all aunties)MAAA...he spoke.Anjali stared at him, where is your Maa baby?Ari look at Lady for good two minutes then his big caramel eyes started getting teary.//*~*~*//Khushi was running here and there like manic, her son, her only reason to live, her everything, was lost on this beach. She was unable to find him. She was crying what is something happen to him she won't be able to live. She asked many couples about little boy in navy dress. No one knew about his whereabouts. She turn and saw couple near water holding baby in their arms, baby wearing same clothes she run to them manically She heard little sob of her baby calling for her MAA. She was near to couple just few step.ARYAN khushi spoke, Her baby her world look at her and started crying loudly. She quickly took him in her arms, kissed his face like anything. Why you did this to maa huh? Khushi scolded him with teary eyes,Why you walked near water? (naughty ma where did you go, i was just here...aww she is crying again...)Ari what if something happens to you, I would have die the very moment. See your fever is again high. Khushi was now getting more worried coz of but she was somehow relax he was safe and back in her arms. He was now resting his head on her breast now feeling her warmth.Lady smiled at khushi.Khushi look up at the lady Thankyou for keeping him safe. Lady nodded HI i am Anjali and he is my husband Rohit.I am khushi.IS he your only son.Yes he is not my only son but my worl my everything, reason for me to live.Anjali was feeling very different seeing such a mother, she herself was pregnant, she doubted herself will i be able to love my baby in sameway. She nodded, you know your baby is very cute.Khushi smiled at her,He reminds me of my brother, his eyes, his nose, his lips, his chin.She kissed Aryan lovingly. I need to leave i have to take him to Doctor.Anjali nodded//*~*~*//Akash's flatsBell rang. Akash can you please look who is at door. i am busy in kitchen.ok sweetheart. Akash open the door was surprise to see Arnav there.Hi buddy!!! Akash recover his shockHi Arnav walk past him inside.Akash shut the door and followed him inside.Arnav sat on sofa crossed his legs. Akash knew he is upto something and there he threw bombasting question.Akash i want to ask you something...i need answer.Akash looked seriously at Arnav he knew Arnav is dead serious about what he is going to ask but in very next moment when Arnav asked him his jaw hit the floor, he eyes pop out of socket, for next five minutes he couldn't react due to shock. He never expected Arnav to ask this.You guyz have contact with Khushi. I need her number...i want to talk to her. ARnav said with dead seriousness in his voice.Payal who just came inside room heard Arnav asking her number, she was also shocked Arnav asking for Khushi's number. She sat beside Akash.You won't get it. She said in plain stern voice.Akash i need her number now!!! i know youcan't lie to me i heard you wishing her birthday. Arnav spoke in cold deadly tone.I think you didn't heard me Arnav i said you won't get itPayal stay out of this. Akash spoke he knew if she spoke one more word Arnav can do anything, he don't want payal to get hurt in anyway. Payal gave disbelieving look to him in anger she left the room.Akash look staright at Arnav, Yes Arnav why you need her number now. I don't feel the need to answer your question. Akash gave sarcastic smile, Arnav how could you think i'll give you her number and in return i don't know why you expect me to don't ask you why you need it.Akash i need her number. I don't have much timeWell Arnav its sad you won't get it not after what you did to her. Didn't you saw her face while performing how she was expecting you to take her in your arms and make everything ok...tell her you were joking, because of you her life got ruin in just one night she was helpless, she was on road her orphange threw her out, she don't have any shelter to live, she don't have anything to survive and you know what very next day college rusticated her. What will you say her on phone how is she living after messing with great ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA. HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE HOMELESS, HELPLESS, BEA...AKASH stop abruptly he was about to spill beans. He compose and spoke again.Thanks to Arjun who took care of her, helped her getting settled. She is happy with what ever she have. She don't need you Arnav. You enjoy your life Arnav, how could you expect her to talk to you all casually what you made her go through. She don't need you.Arnav eyes wide open for one second but he compose himself. HE got up and left quietly.//*~*~*//Khushi took him to doctor again.Hello Doctor Khan.Doctor was old almost 60 years old. He turn and smiled at her.Ohh little boy again you have fever. Khushi beta this is getting serious, He has lost his weight alot, he has fever contiously every week, what else Doctor asked her.Erm doctor khan he shiver sometimes, he lost his apatite and if i make him eat something forcefully he threw out. He often has flu.Hmm well i'll suggest you to these test for him, I want you to do this Asap.Khushi get little scared, ok doctor i'll go to lab tomorrow morning.

NO TIME FOR LOVE (SANDY)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ