Chapter ten

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I barely slept all week, and when I did, I was greeted by nightmares. Every day, Victor came in to clean the room and give me breakfast, but he was bare able to qualify as company. He didn't even talk to me or answer my questions. More often than not, he was gone within ten minutes.

On the seventh day, I had enough. I waited until Victor entered the room before pouncing at him. He sighed and grabbed my arm before flipping me and slamming me on the ground. I groaned, covering my eyes with my arm. "I just want to know where Winter is," I told him before sitting up and tugging on his shoelace. "Please, just tell me."

He was silent, as usual. He just started to set the table. I stood up with another groan, and pulled his sleeve, tightening my grip when he tried to move away. "Please sir," I begged. "Just tell me where he is. I'm going crazy in here."

He stared down at me before a sigh escaped his lips. "He's gone on a trip and will be back tomorrow."

"What time tomorrow? Why didn't he tell me?"

Nothing but silence. I let go of his sleeve and sat down on my bed. "Why did he go on a trip now? What's he even doing? Is he visiting someone?"

"You could say that." He finished setting the table and straightened. I followed him to the door, continuing to ask questions, but he slammed it in my face. I was left in silence again.


"Time to get up, Jace," A familiar voice said. I opened my eyes instantly and attacked Winter in a hug, forgetting the world around us, forgetting I was angry at him. I just wanted him to hold me. I never wanted to let go. He was so warm, so calming. I didn't know it was possible to miss somebody so much. I never had, except for my Mum and even then, I never felt like this. Like there was nobody else that mattered in the world.

He's a psycho, he's a psycho, he's a psycho, my mind chanted. 

"Where were you?!" I pushed him away. Winter smiled and looked at me, his hand reaching out for a brief moment as if he was going to cup my cheek. I shrunk away in a huff. "Actually, you know what? Never mind. I'm still angry at you. Go away."

"Okay then. I guess I'll just leave for another week," He turned to go. In a panic I grabbed his wrist. 

"No! Don't!" 

I blushed. Okay, wow. This had to stop. I needed to make up my goddamn mind.

"Ah, so that's your trick," Winter let out a little laugh He smirked and pulled me off the bed, into his arms. I felt my entire body tense, a small shiver running up my spine and my heart skipping a beat. His arms around my felt electric and warm, too warm. The world felt static. All that mattered was Winter, and the feeling of his thin arms wrapped around my waist, his face pressed into my shoulder. "Its nice to be back, Jacey," He told me, his voice mumbled before he pulled back, his arms relaxing a little but still resting on my thin waist. The corner of his mouth twitched as he stroked my cheek with his thumb.

I stared up at him, eyes wide. Is this a feeling? Is this a feeling? Oh no... How do I make it stop?!

My whole life has been basically nothing but pain and rejection. I had built a wall to block people and feelings out, but it was all crashing down before my very eyes as I stared at Winter. He looked way more tired than usual, with dark circles under his eyes, which were red, and messy white hair. He was trying to hide it all underneath a smile.

"Did you miss me?" He teased. I scowled and put my hands on his chest, pushing myself away from him. 



"I have learned that with you, no often means yes. I missed you too, Jacey. I didn't want to go, but I had to. You understand, don't you?" He leaned down, his face close to mine. I swallowed and stepped back. 


"Whatever indeed. Hungry?" He pointed to the table, which had been set up with even more food than usual. There was a white table cloth, coffee, tea, juice, toast, waffles, pancakes, fruit, cereal, muffins. Lots of muffins. Why was there so much food?

Winter sat down and became to scarf down the food like there was no tomorrow. I watched him as I nibbled on a blueberry muffin. Damn, he was hungry.

"I haven't eaten in five days," He explained when he looked up at me.

"Why?" I asked curiously, ripping at the paper around the muffin.

"Because I was travelling," Winter answered. He wiped his mouth when he was finished and sat back. I stared at the dark circles under his eyes before pouring him a cup of coffee and pushing it toward him. 

"You look tired."

He stared at the mug, the black liquid swirling around and leaving light brown stains on the sides. "I don't drink coffee. Are you ready to go?"

"Go where?"

"Well, upstairs of course. I believe a certain somebody craves to see sunlight again. How ironic."


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