Chapter Thirty-Four: Three Lover's Repeat

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The three of them walked quietly down the hall. Luna had a towel wrapped around her frame, Zio was on one side of her, and Fex the other. The blue Irinaut was rubbing his head. After his comment in the pool, Zio had knocked him upside the head. Which, seemed to happen quite a lot. The male let out a loud whine as he looked towards him, 'I can not joke anymore?' He snarled, 'It's no different then before. Except you have locked with each other.' Fex let out a stubborn growl as his slit mouth expanded. Once they arrived to the room, he went in and closed the door. The male's continued to argue back and forth over kissing Luna in front of others.

'So what? I'll kiss her where I want to.'

'You'll get us all in trouble.'

'Then I'll take her to my room and kiss her.'

'Like hell I'm letting you two alone.'

'Then join in.'

'Fuck you.'

A internal battle was going on between the two alpha's as they argued back and forth over Luna. The girl tilted her head, tensing as Fex went on about where he would take her to kiss her, while Zio threw a fit on the male. Zio was obviously the lead male of the two, and they did fight like siblings. Their head's clashed as they continued to prove one another wrong. At least, in attempts. Luna, finally shook her head before crossing her arms, "You two aren't kissing me until I get some answers. So instead of arguing, mind explaining what we were doing on earth in the first place?"

Zio's growl rumbled as he looked at Luna. He walked over before sitting next to her. Fex, went to the opposite side as Zio rubbed his head, 'We lost breeding mates. We had gone to earth to acquire breeders, but the spores had been transported with us, and affected your race differently. Death comes to our kind from war. The sickness merely acted kept the sick queen in control and killed nearly our entire race.' Zio let out a low groan, 'You were the first female born, but you were also the first hybrid to live through a leech attachment. Our kind has suffered. The night you were taken from us, was the night you were going to bore my child. We were both ready. It was time, and then head for home planet. With your memories we would had been capable of ridding the planet of the sickness, but your control only goes so far. Until you remember, if you remember, we are doomed to set foot there. Control of the others will prove difficult without your memories.' Zio looked down at her, 'Only a few days, and we'll be landing in a blood bath, but what do you remember, Luna? Anything that does perhaps is useful?'

"So if I don't remember by the time we reached down there, home world, we're all doomed? That's a great thing to tell a girl with amnesia." Though her cheeks flushed at Zio's comment. Truly that moment had only brought back feelings for the two of them, but speaking them out caused her to go tongue tied. Luna looked down at the ground before shutting her eyes. Her heart began to throb as she clung to the towel that coiled around her as she attempted to dry, "I remembered the two of you. Moments we shared, disagreements, and times when you both would hold me, and wouldn't fight over silly things." She looked up at Zio. Her cheeks flushed as she brought her hand up to her chest, 'Times when all three of us were close." Luna's cheeks darkened as she spoke. It seemed that she was afraid to go into to much detail depending on how much the two males truly knew about one another's experience's with Luna, but both seemed quite honest now that it was all out on the table.

Zio pulled her close, 'What did the two of you do to spark the memories? A scent? Something that helped restart that part of your brain?' The alpha leaned down and looked at her, chirping lightly, 'Perhaps kissing is what caused it?' He sneered his lip, 'A memory could come back if the two of you did have a moment alone?' Zio was obviously a bit guilty for keeping Luna from Fex, but the male had assumed her second companion dead. He had lost his mind to the spore infected queen, and so did Fex. It was truly a miracle that neither of them had died or fell ill to the spores, but that didn't change what Fex had tried to do before.

Luna gave a stubborn shake of her head before curling up to Zio. She knew Fex, but part of her didn't as well. The part of her that was on the ship before she met him. Before the few memories did return. The part of her that was still afraid. He had tried to hurt her before. Why wouldn't he now? Luna looked at the two of them. She gave a nervous shrug, "I don't know what caused it. Just-" Luna recalled her kiss with Fex at Zio's comment. The blonde gave him a rather scolding glare, "He did, but he was honest, and the kiss felt right." Zio had frightened her in the beginning as well. Perhaps it was just the new greet, "Besides, you wanted to be with us anyway." Luna rubbed the back of her head before letting out a heavy sigh, "I wish I knew what to do."

Fex sat down next to the two of them before pulling Luna into his lap and away from the larger male; almost seeming to ignore Zio for moment who had snarled at his sudden snag, "She just missed her alpha's attention. I always knew her special spots. Only because you were to proper to try.' Fex hissed, tensing immediately. The two let out low growls, but didn't fight. It seemed that Fex was much more blunt to say the least. The more jealous of the two.

Zio merely grinned as Luna was pulled from him. A growl boiled in his chest as he let out a deep breath. The Irinaut's rows of teeth were revealed, but he didn't react. Zio was strong and rather intimidating, but he always knew when to keep his cool. His jaw cracked as it aligned back in place. He moved forward towards Fex. The Alpha Irinaut pressed his forehead to his, letting out a heavy huff, 'That's what you think.' He leaned back; mumbling under his breath, 'Naive, Fex. Don't assume you know everything." Zio grinned at Luna, but turned his head, a obvious jealousy still lurked, 'I know more then you think.' Zio stood up; reaching for the bedroom door, his eyes lit before he leaned against it and opened it, 'In here, the two of you. Luna, call if he pulls a stunt.'

Fex grinned, picking up the small female and moving to the bedroom. The dark blue male shook his head, 'I'll take care of her. Stop worrying so much.' The male shut the door before sitting on the bed with Luna. He suddenly fell silent, sulking a bit before rubbing the back of his neck, 'So-' Fex looked down at her, suddenly grinning and pulling her close and kissing her forehead, 'Did you have to be alone to kiss me again?'

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