XIX. a deal with beta

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"Palma de Mallorca," The man recited after her as his eyes gazed blindly into the distance in thought. She studied him curiously. She ruffled the fabric of his tie in her palm, beginning to loosen it from his neck.

Why the man was wearing such a stuffy formal attire, she had no idea. She thought she was doing him a favor by letting him breathe, but in a split second, her wrist was snatched firmly by his hands as he stopped her in mid-air.

"You're no fun," She slurred with a bored scowl, ripping her hand out of his hold.

He peered down at her questionably. "That's a city in Spain," He brought up, which startled her.

Her lips twisted into a proud smile as she leaned her body back to take a good look at the man before her. "Yes!" She praised him, "At least someone still remembers geography class."

"Yeah? You say that yet I doubt you could point it out on a map if I asked."

That unexpected counterattack took her off guard and her breath hitched uncomfortably. Her head snapped back at him in disbelief as he gave her a cool-headed look, as if mocking her.

What a strange man. What a strange relationship he must have had with that woman.

"So tell me again what the hell you were going on about how I caused you pain?" The man deadpanned as his brows twitched subtly. "Should I compose a list of your wrongdoings and we both surprise each other for Christmas?"

Did he not... remember?

"What a surprise, so you can talk," She brushed off his remark as she poked him straight in the chest. "I was beginning to think I stunned you so much with my looks that you became paralyzed earlier."

Her eyes widened when the man before her broke into a soft and low sinister laugh. Before she knew it, she had unconsciously retreated back on the couch for her safety.

What the hell was with him? Why was it that even though she knew him inside and out in the past, he still caught her off guard?

She snapped out of her thoughts when he spoke up again. "Have you forgotten," He started, his lip curling slyly in the corners of his mouth as he walked closer. Her expression darkened as she felt herself being cornered.

"—That I have seen you in your cutest state? This," He gestured his hand towards her appearance with a stoic face. "Is nothing new. Hit me with some pigtails and I might laugh sincerely. You look a mess."

Her body tensed up as her blood boiled. She pulled her legs closer to her body and wrapped her arms around her chest unconsciously. Her eyes narrowed in distaste.

Yes, how could she have forgotten? In the past, she was always a little unsure of this man. He made her feel wronged. Like she was selfish. Like she was insane. His teammates, on the other hand, were a lot easier to deal with. The way he talked now was not how he talked before. He had changed.

Which meant he no longer resembled her lover. And she could not predict him.

"Who are you?" The man suddenly dropped the question on her. "Five seconds. Five, four, three, one—"

"—What the fuck happened to two??" Her eyes dilated in disbelief.

"Oh, at least this one knows math. I was beginning to think you only paid attention during Sex Ed."

She gaped.

He ignored her and began unraveling his tie, unfazed, as he returned her stunned look with arched brows. "Are we still not talking? Should I get a little physical with you? The woman I knew from yesterday could handle a little blow to the head. Let's see if that'll wake you up—"

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