Chapter 21 [Edited]

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Chapter 21

        "You guys are boring!" I exclaimed, I was tired of being on house arrest. It had been one and a half week already after the 'attack'. The boys were slowly tuning me into a couch potato. How is it fair that Alice and Lucy aren't under house arrest? I guess it makes sense that Lucy doesn't live in the Pack House but what about Alice? The date between me and Logan had to be postponed to be honest I wasn't too sure about going on a date with him especially since my feelings for Colton is muddled up, my mind is in a jumble. My brain and my heart are at war with each other, to say I was confused would be an understatement but my Wolf was all to ready to jump Colton and have him mark me right now. Being bored and having nothing to do makes me think about Colton even more and it leaves me feeling more confused than I was before.

"Well then Kit Kat get up and do something!" Skylar said as he joined the rest of us on the couch.

"There is nothing to do! Alice is probably making a baby up stairs with Aden," Liam laughed at that, "Lucy has just vanished and you guys are boring! Chace you promised to take me out for a pizza,"

I looked at him and he had his eyes focused intently on the book in front of him, "Tomorrow," he mumbled and I rolled my eyes at him. If I had known that giving my Pretty Little Liars book to him would have turned him into a zombie book worm I would have never handed it to him.

"You said that yesterday."

"Yeah, uh huh," I sighed and kept my eyes on Doctor Who.

After watching a couple Doctor Who episodes I made my way upstairs into my room. I sat on my bed with a magazine but a knock on the door interrupted my 'reading' (well drooling over pictures of Aaron Johnson in the section of the Kick Ass movie review), "come in," I said and Mason came into my room which took me by surprise.

"Hey little sis," He greeted me and I frowned Mason never called me little sis, should I be worried?

"Um... Hey... Mason," I greeted him back slowly.

He scratched the back of his neck and looked around my room. I could tell he was nervous just from his tensed body language, "I need to tell you something," I nodded, he closed the door and sat on my bed besides me, "well... you see... I kinda..." he was lost for words no coherent sentences were leaving his mouth.

"Mason just tell me. You're kind of scaring me"

"Well... you know your friend Lucy..."

"Yes she is my friend,"

"She's..." he mumbled something incoherent which left me more confused.


He sighed, "she's going to kill me for this," what? "Lucy and I are mates," my eyes widened. I did not see that coming. At all. "she- she rejected me because of, well, our history. She didn't want a mate who was a bully," I whacked him on the head with my magazine, he frowned and clutched his head, "ouch, what the hell was that for?"

"why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Because we weren't exactly on good terms and she didn't want anyone else to know. She didn't want it to affect you," I sighed. Typical Lucy putting others before her she really needs to focus on her happiness first.

"Okay, well I'll try to talk to her,"

He grinned, "thank you so much! You are the best," he hugged me and I chuckled then he pulled away, "I heard you're going on a date with Logan"


"I was hoping that you and Colton would try this mate thing,"

"Mason I-"

"No you don't have to say anything I was just putting it out there." He then left my room and I groaned. My wolf was telling me to cancel the date with Logan but I didn't want to hurt him. This is all too much! 

* * *

The wind was howling and I clutched my leather jacket closer to me, my hair was blowing frantically in the breeze I'm pretty sure it looked like I was dragged by my hair through bushes. I knocked on the door again, the sound of footsteps could be heard and then the door opened.

"Kat, what are you doing here?" Lucy asked.

"Well you weren't answering your cell," I answered.

"Yeah, sorry, I lost it in Cali"

"Oh well can I come in before the wind takes me away?" She chuckled, opened her door wider and stepped aside so I could walk into the warmth of her home. I could smell cookies baking and instantly craved them, Lucy made the best cookies. Lucy led me to her living room and we sat down on the sofa How I met your Mother was currently playing on her T.V.

"So what's up?"

"Are you okay?"

Lucy frowned, "Yeah, why?"

"You've just been disconnected with us lately,"

She sighed, "yeah I've had a lot to think about,"

"You're talking about Mason right?"

Her brown eyes widened, "how- what?"

          I sighed, "he told me. Don't be angry with him. I'm glad he did and I know it's none of my business but I think you made the wrong decision,"

"What do you mean?"

        "Rejecting him isn't the right thing. Rejection hurts and I should know I've been through it and you've seen what it did to me. You did what Colton did. I'm pretty sure it's hurting Mason a lot right now. Isn't it hurting you?" She looked away and I knew it was, "Like you said mates are destined to be together. Aren't you at least going to try and work things out between the both of you?"

She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed, "Yes, yes I want to but I'm scared that he'll hurt me."

"He won't. Lucy he's changed in fact we all have,"

"I've actually considered talking to him to make things right,"

I smiled, "that's great trust me the both of you will be so happy together,"

"what about you?"

I frowned, "what about me?"

"You and Colton. You and him are mates. Why are you going on this date with Logan when you clearly have feelings for Colton?" okay talk about the unexpected


         "Like you said Katherine we've all changed that includes Colton. You're both destined to be together no matter what so why don't you cancel this date with Logan before somebody gets hurt?" I blinked. I didn't know what to say. "Fate brought you both back together, If you're worried about hurting Logan by cancelling the date then don't be because one day he'll find his own mate and be happy but now you have Colton take your chance before it's gone."

"Wait, I came here to talk to you about Mason not get a counselling session-"

"Yes and we have talked about Mason-"

"Great which means I can leave," I got up and started walking away.

         "You can't be a hypocrite, Katherine and you can't hide your feelings for him forever." I walked outside her house and took deep breaths. I got on my bike and drove to the pack house. This is so damn infuriating. When you're a pup you hear stories about your mate and how you'll be together forever and live happily ever after. I scoffed. It's nothing like that. Finding your mate is so confusing especially if you have a messy history.

        I jumped off my bike, hid behind a tree, stripped off and shifted into my wolf. I then grabbed my clothes between my teeth and ran off towards the lake which had always calmed me down. The run there distracted me all I could think about was being intact with nature. No drama was placed in my mind, that was the beauty of shifting into your wolf. I approached the lake, shifted back into human form and put my clothes back on.

        The trees towered me and the weather took a drastic change it was now much colder and the wind almost swept me off my feet. I heard a twig snap behind me and quickly turned, my werewolf senses was on high alert, then silence took over before I heard another twig snap and a familiar face came out of the forest. What the hell?

"Nick?" I asked. How the hell did he get into the territory? Then I remembered that the lake was at the end of the territory so it was easy for anyone to get in.

He smirked, "so you do remember me?" He asked his London accent thick.

"Of course I do, you're the coward who ran away from a fight,"

His smirk dropped, "where's your mate?"

           "What's it to you?" He used his werewolf speed to come up behind me, he then held my arms behind my back and kept me in place. I felt something pierce my arm I instantly felt fatigue take over.

         "Ah, wolfs bane not a werewolf's best friend. It does come in handy," he dug what ever object he had laced with wolfs bane deeper into my skin causing me to cry out, it felt like a knife. Wolfs bane is every werewolves weakness it made us more weak, it made our powers weak and if we had a ton of it it could kill us, my werewolf sense were hazy and I felt tired. He then moved my hair to one side, "an Alpha mate who is unmarked."

"What the hell do you want?" My eyes were dropping slightly.

"I wonder what happens if I leave my mark," my eyes widened and I struggled in his grips he then placed the wolfs bane coated object deeper into my skin which burnt and caused me to hiss in pain. "This should send a message to your mate," he snarled and his canines dug into my flesh, on the spot where my mate was meant to mark me. I let out an ear piercing scream and tears filled my eyes as his mark burnt, my wolf was trying to get out but the wolfs bane tamed her. His canines dug in deeper and blood rolled off my shoulder. My mind went hazy as pain shot through my body and brunt every inch of it. I saw the forest drop as I fell to the ground and everything seemed blurry. I felt like crying out to someone and the only name that left my lips was, "Colton."

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