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Jake was right, I was his and his alone! He had shown me a whole new world that I never knew existed and I knew that I would never want to experience those things with anyone but him.

Even though it took us months to get there, he was so patient, kind, and gentle with me. He was always fighting to defend my virtue. When the time finally came it was more than worth the wait.

He continued to fill up the holes in my heart with each passing day. We spent the next weeks soaking up every moment between us, knowing that soon we would have to separate. It was difficult but we tried to push that thought to the back of our minds as much as possible. We wanted to have fun and not let the sadness that loomed ahead over take us.

We tried to fit everything in we possibly could. There were so many double dates with Jenny and Tag. It was so nice to just be with them as a couple, nothing held back. 

We even went as a group to New York to celebrate our last summer together. Jake of course put us all up in the best hotel, overlooking the breathtaking highrises it's known for.

We hit all of the highlights and did not even care that we looked like every cliche tourist. The Statue of Liberty was amazing, we saw the dancing cowboy in Time Square, visited Grand Central station, took a stroll through Central Park, and of course saw the Rockets. We had to drag the boys to the last one, kicking and screaming.

As we walked down the streets of that city, I soaked in every site, every smell, loving every moment of it. The city was so exciting, it was as if it had its own heartbeat. I fell head over heels in love with every inch of it and they practically had to force me to get on the plane to return home. Jake thought it was adorable of course. I love that he loves all of me, including my quirks.

Once we were back in Georgia we continued trying to pack in as much as possible while we still had time. We made a point to visit his biological father and siblings several times. Ross had become not only a friend to Jake, but a confident.

Jake had taken it really hard when his parents cut him off and Ross was there to listen and offer some very wise words of advice. I was glad that Jake had found him, he needed to fill that missing puzzle piece in his life. To our surprise, it turned out better than he could have ever imagined. Ross had even promised to be at every single game, he bought season passes, a box seat no less.  

He continued to treat me like a daughter as well and for that I was grateful. There was no obligation for him to do so. Just accepting Jake would have been enough, but he was always careful to welcome me at every occasion. Each time I saw him he hugged me like I was his long lost daughter, he had the best hugs. I guess in some ways I was, sort of.  He only had boys so I was the only daughter type he had around him.

There was something else I knew I had to do before the summer was over. I had to properly thank Mrs. Christy. Knowing, I would never hold it together long enough to do it in person, I sat down at the table and attempted to put into words what she had meant to me.

It was harder than I thought it would be. How do you say thank you to someone for literally being your life preserver? But I knew it had to be done. There was no way I was leaving that place without letting her know how amazing she was and so I attempted to put into words.

Mrs. Christy,

I am sorry I am too much of coward to do this in person but I would just wind up blubbering like a baby and never get through it. I wanted to tell you how much you have shaped my life, my outlook, every part of me. I was just a straggly little girl, with absolutely nothing to offer you or your family. You still welcomed me in with open arms and for that I will forever be thankful. You took me on vacations, without which I would never have had one. You made sure I was beautiful for Prom, as if I was your own daughter. You took me to church, trying to make sure I knew everything I could about the God you believe in so passionately. You know my mom was never really a mom at all, and I want you to know that you filled that void for me. You have shown me what a real mother is, how she loves unconditionally, is patient, kind and loving. Without you showing me the way, I never would have known how to be a mother to my future children. Most importantly, you made me believe in myself. The times that I was at my lowest, you always reminded me that I was special, that I was set apart for a purpose. You may have thought that I was not listening, but I was soaking up every single word. Thank you for the gift you gave me at graduation, it my favorite gift of all! You have shaped who I am today and I struggle to find the words to express how much you have truly impacted me. So I will just say thank you  and I love you Mrs. Christy.

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