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Tyki leaned down and picked up Allen who had finally fallen unconscious from pain and exhaustion. He sat the boy in his arms so that his snowy white head lay propped on Tyki's strong shoulder. Allen, though he was asleep, was sobbing quietly. Little rivers of tears streamed down his face. The boy was making a wet flemmy sound at the back of his throat. He coughed and more blood and spit flooded out of his mouth and down his shirt. Allen whimpered and Tyki rubbed his back.

The Millennium Earl strolled toward Tyki, his smile even larger than normal. He laid a hand on Allen's head and stroked it affectionately.

"Poor little Allen-chan," The Earl said, taking out a handkerchief and wiping Allen's mouth. "Don't worry, the pain will stop soon and then you can take up your true place in this war."

There was a thunderous crash behind them and Tyki and The Earl turned around to see Road viciously attacking the remaining akuma while Lulubell looked on and filed her nails.

"We told you to keep him still not tear his arms to shreds!" she yelled lividly, stabbing the akuma with her candles, "I would send you to hell right now if we weren't so low on level 3's. he better be okay or I promise that I'll kill you in the worst way I can think of!" she got up off the akuma and walked over to Tyki. She gently grasped Allen's limp arm by the wrist and lifted it up to her face. Allen whimpered loudly as she carefully pushed up his sleeve and looked at the claw wounds.

The wounds were deep and Allen's blood was flowing freely, staining his pale skin red. Allen was shivering from both pain and blood loss. Road gave him a sympathetic look kissed his shaking arm.

"Poor baby," she said, hugging Allen's arm to her chest, "don't worry I'm going to make it all better."

"That's a wonderful idea," the Earl said, patting Road on the head, "Road dear, Tyki-pon, I want you to take Allen-chan to his room and clean him up please. Get rid of those clothes, they're ruined anyways, but bring his exorcist coat to me. I want as a trophy!"

"As you wish Duke," Tyki said, bowing his head respectfully to the Earl before turning and walking down the hall. Road followed next to him, rubbing Allen's hand soothingly.

Tyki felt a warm wetness on his neck. He looked down at Allen to see the boy nuzzling his till sobbing face into the side of Tyki's neck. Tyki felt his soft white strands of hair tickle his cheek and chin. The boy's face was flushed from crying. Tyki, for the first time, took a good look at Allen Walker.

He was rather small, seeing as Tyki could carry him around like a child. It wasn't just his height though, Allen was very thin and in Tyki's opinion much to light. He had silken smooth skin and he still had some baby fat in his cheeks. Allen moaned quietly in his sleep and let out a hot breath that ghosted across Tyki's neck. The man shivered and a light blush dusted across his nose. He had never noticed how cute the little exorcist was.

"Tyki, what's wrong?" Road asked, looking up at him. She smirked, "Oh, were you having naughty thoughts about Allen?"

"What? Of course not!" Tyki sputtered indignantly, shooting an embarrassed glare at road. She giggled at him and clutched Allen's hand possessively.

"Good cause he's mine!" she said happily, jumping up and kissing the sleeping boy on the cheek.

The two stopped at the end of a long corridor. They stood in front of a large white door with a golden 14 on the top. Road turned the gilded knob and opened the door to reveal an elegant white and black room with silver trimmings. The walls were pale white with a soft gray hue. There were long black velvet drapes over the sit in window. The corners were occupied by an elegant desk, a large book case, a couch, chair, and table set, and a majestic baby grand piano. The canopy bed had black curtains as well as black covers and could easily fit five people. The room was lit with a small chandelier that hung from the slightly vaulted ceiling as well as small candle lamps that sat on the piano, desk, and bedside tables. Comfy silver and black pillows were two black doors on either side of the bed. Tyki whistled in awe and Road smiled up at him.

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