Chapter 34

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Calvin's POV

Sitting across Clyde right now is the most awkward situation I've been. I don't even know where and how to start a conversation with him. Maybe, if not because of the situation we are in now, I can possibly be talking to him nonsense things like car race, a football game or a basketball game. But man, today is different.

I heaved a deep sigh as I can't bear with the silence that is sorrounding our table. Yes, are at a restaurant. After knowing that Clyde is back yesterday, from Alice, I thought of asking him to come to my place. And, I was surprised to receive a message from him asking me to meet him at a restaurant.

Now, here we are doing the so-called staring game. The food that we ordered are now served and I can say that it's getting colder.
"I'm happy that you and Alice are together," says Clyde. I wasn't expecting that. I thought he'll say something else.

"And I'm glad you're not mad at me," I replied making him shake his head.

"Why would I be mad? We both did everything to have her and you're lucky that she chose you," he replied making me nod. I didn't expect this conversation to have a good start.

"If I offended you in any way, man, I'm sorry."

"You didn't offend me at all. I was given a chance before but I turned blind because of hate, I guess. I was forced to do it and I poured everything to her. I lost it once, now that I lost it the second time, I guess that's the price I need to, you know, pay," he said.

Silence filled the air after he said those words. I actually don't know what to say. He knew what he lost. "Just promise me one thing," he said.

"Tell me."

He stared at me. "Never ever hurt her the way I did. If you do, I'll be the first one to come to her rescue. I love her, but it's too late for me to realize it. I did horrible things and I want you to take those memories and pain away from her," he said.

"I will and promise," I replied to which he nodded.

Clyde motioned me to touch my food. And, I did. We ate and I tried to open another topic. I was relieved when he just go with the topic I opened.
"Are you going back to Italy?" I asked all of a sudden.

"Hmm. Why would I stay? Come on, do you want me to witness all your lovey-dovey thing with Alice?" Clyde replied as he smirked at me.

"Why not? To remind you even more the thing that you lost," I replied with a smile.

"I don't need to since not having her by my side reminds me of that," Clyde replied while shaking his head. We just continued eating and chatting.

Once we are done with our foods, we stayed there and even chatted about our business. We talked just like how we talked to each other before.

"I'll be waiting for you invatation man," says Clyde as he pats my shoulder. We just came out from the restaurant and now we are at the parking space.

"Yeah, yeah. You'll be the first one to know and receive it," I replied giving me a nod.

"Always be good to her. Never hurt her," he said.

I nodded as a response. He then opened his car door and take something beside the drivers seat. He holds it for a long second before facing me.

"I know that you'll be visiting Alice as soon as we part our ways."

"Yeah. Just to say hi."

"Give this to her and tell her I'm sorry," he said before he hands me an evelope.

"Noted," I replied.

He smiled at me. "I need to go. Just contact me when you need my help," he said.

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