Chapter 2

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I woke up hearing noises everywhere. Urrghh! My head hurts. Where am I?

I opened my eyes and saw a teenage looking girl, a mummy looking guy, a floating eyeglasses,a werewolf and a guy  that looked liked he's been stitched.

"Hey are you okay miss?" The teenage girl asked. I was still in shocked at what I'm seeing.

"W-where am I?" I asked them

"Ohh..your in Hotel Transylvania! Are you here to stay in?" The mummy stated

"Wait..i got the wrong service! I shouldn't be here!" I said

I grabbed my phone and saw a message from the hotel.

Miss Y/N sorry to say this but your stay in our hotel is cancelled because a new visitor just came in and got your place. Hoping for your considerations.


"Noooooooo......." I mumbled to myself

"What's wrong?" They asked

"I got no hotel to stay in..oh nooo...."

"Well you can stay here! In hotel Transylvania!"

I looked at them and looked like they really wanted me here. They seem to be nice though.

"Hmm...i'll try..who should I have a talk to?" I asked

The teenage girl started speaking

"You can have a talk with my dad Dracula. He owns this hotel and I'm her daughter Mavis, nice to meet you" she said

"Nice to meet you too Mavis. You have great hair though"

"Hehe thanks. Now I'll just get my dad ok?"

"I thought Drac was walking Tinkles?" The werewolf said

"Oh yeah...too bad."

"I can just talk to him later. Don't worry." I said

"Ok just call room service if you need anything."

They left the room I was in. I looked around me and it wasn't that bad. A big sized bed for me and a good balcony. A good bathroom with a bathtub. Cool! I'm suprise seeing that there's a place for different creatures.

I went out the balcony and saw the breathtaking view infront of me. Cool air.

Maybe staying here won't be so bad.

I decided to take a walk outside my room. There were talking doorknob head that keeps on complimenting me.

"Hello human!"

"Your new here?"

"Such great hair"

It was nice but I just wanna see the whole hotel. I saw the stitched man from earlier.

"Hey lady! Need anything?"he asked

"Oh..I just want to have a tour around the hotel."

"That's great. What's your name by the way?"

"I'm Y/N. You?"

"Known as THE Frankenstein, but you can call me Frank for shorts."

"Ok Frank."

Then the floating eyeglass came.

"Heyyy is this the new lady?that was said to stay here?" The floating eyeglass asked

"Yeah and my name is Y/N."

"I'm Griffin. You still single?"

I got shocked when he asked me that.

"Uhmm..yeah..why'd you asked?"

"It's just that one of our friends is single too. Still looking for a soulmate though haha"

"You mean the Count?" Frank asked him.

"Duh of course it's him."

"Well...that's great"

"What's with you wearing that?"

Invisible man pointed to my clothes which was a black skirt and black crop top.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked

"You love black?"

"Yeah..its my favorite color." I said

"Ooohhhh you have the same way of clothing like Count two would look great together!!"

I got red at what he said.

"Ohh uhmm hehehe"

I saw Mavis walking towards me and she looked problematic.

"Hey hey what's wrong?"I asked her.

"It's just that my hair stylist isn't here yet. No one can fix my hair." She said

"Hey don't worry...i can fix that..." I said and lead her to my room.

"You know how to design my hair?" She asked

"Yeah..of course.." I replied

I started to design her hair the best I can. Clip here, clip there, flower here and done!

"Perfectly done!" I said

I gave her the mirror and she looked surprised.

"Woww! This looks great Mom!"

Wait did she called me mom?

"Eh did you just called me 'Mom'? I asked her and she frowned

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm just used to my mom who always fix my hair when I was a kid." She said

I feel bad for this girl. She doesn't have a mom.

I just hugged her saying it will be ok.

"You know Y/N, your just like my mom." She said

I just smiled and we went out my room and everyone adored the hairstyle I did to Mavis' hair.

Dracula's POV

I just arrived to the Hotel cause Mavis asked me to walk Tinkles. It seems more louder now.

Then I saw the others running to me.

"Hey Drac!" Said Frank

"We have something to tell you! And you'll love this for sure!" Griffin said

"Guys, can you just give me some time to rest? That dog was so fast when he is running so I had to follow it everytime" I said

"But this will be fast! We promise!"

They started to push me in a circle of monsters.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked them

"You've got to meet this lady Count Drac!"

Then I saw Mavis in different hairstyle and wait...who is that?

There was a lady taller than Mavis wearing a black skirt, long black shirt and had long black hair.

"Who is that?" I asked.

Once that woman turned around I saw her feature.

Red lips, white skin, dark blue eyes and soft hair.

She was talking with the other monsters. Till she...


My heart started beating fast.

I zinged...

His Property (Hotel Transylvania): Dracula X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now