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10| Not Haunted Anymore

"Hey" I said as I climbed into Aria's car the next morning.

My eyes were still puffy from my crying and I didn't even know why I had been crying. "You okay hun?" Aria asked worried.

"Yeah, just a rough night" I replied, putting ym school bag between my feet and closing the car door.

"Yeah me too, found out that my parents have decided to go to Las Vegas on my brithday" she replied, as we drove off.

"Oh no, that's terrible, if you want I can ask my Dad if you want to have a sleepover" I said frowning.

"Hell no, that house is haunted but I do appreciate the thought" she replied, giggling.

I looked out the window briefly. "It's not haunted anymore" I replied.

She seemed to notice my mood dampen. "You know what? I'd love to have a sleepover at your house" she said, smiling.

I smiled back as she pulled into the school parking lot. "Okay, I'll text him" I said, pulling out my phone.

I sent my father a quick text before stepping out of the car. Aria sighed as almost immediately Makayla started to walk over to us.

"Here comes trouble" she muttered.

I looked up from my phone, putting it into the waistband of my jeans. "So the losers really do hang out with the losers" Makayla said, standing in front of us with her arms crossed.

"Then why are you here?" I asked.

Aria stifled a giggle while Makayla's glaring eyes turned to mine. "You're new here so I'll it slide" Makayla said, raising any eyebrow.

She turned back to Aria. "Mother wants to know if we're expecting your mother's bake stall at the markets two weekends from now?" Makayla asked, folding her arms across her chest.

Aria shook her head. "No, she'll be in Las Vegas" Aria replied.

"Aw you're going to the big city? How cute" Makayla said, smirking.

I didn't like it one bit who she said it. "My parents are, I'm not" Aria replied.

Makayla laughed. I bit back what I was going to say. "See you around losers" she called out, laughing as she walked away.

"One day, I hope she trips over and falls into a puddle or shit" Aria muttered.

I smirked. "C'mon, let's get to class" I said.

She nodded and we started walking towards the front door. Kids rushed past as we walked to our first class. "Miss Styron, can I have a word with you?" The teacher asked as I walked into History.

Aria looked at me worried but proceeded to her seat as I walked over to the teacher. "As I am to understand it, you chose the Peakes family to do your history assignment on?" She asked, glancing at me over her glasses.

I nodded meekly. "There's someone you should talk to, a descendant of Loki Peakes and Vanessa Kershaw" she said holding out a slip of paper.

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