C H A P T E R 2 0

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It was eerily quite.

Everyone was waiting for the next words out of his mouth.

"She's the daughter of Hermes, yes Roger, your wife got drunk one day and had a one night stand. Apparently you just don't satisfy her enough." Percy elaborates and his hair gently falls in his face, shadowing his eyes from view. Roger goes red in the face, fire swarmed in his system.

"THE HELL YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!" He shouts and grabs Percy by the shoulders, shaking him before he's pulled off by the Winchesters. Percy's eyes were simply shadowed and he never looked at them.

"Why the hell are you using her?" Alex hisses, pushing Sam and Dean out of the way and grabbing Roger from his collar. Roger laughed as Dean ordered the half-bloods to guard all the entrances and exits. Now the only ones in the room where Sara, Alex, Roger, Matt, Percy, Sam, and Dean.

It was dead quiet.

Then Roger started to laugh again.

It started deep in his chest, in a dark place filled with spite, and crawled up into his throat, rattling around a bit in his vocal cords before climbing in his mouth and echoing behind his teeth, leaving his mouth.

It startled almost everyone.

"I think you already know why."

With those words a wispy shape appears from the corner of the room, a silhouette touches on the ground and steps forwards. It was obvious it was a female.

She was wearing a light pink prom dress that was simple and strapless, it stopped above her knees. Her red hair was hanging in front of her face and her skin was almost a light gray. The scars on her arm were one thing, but the rope scars on her neck were another thing.

"Char...Charlotte." The gasp that came from Alex was one that was unbelieving. The ghost looked up and showed her dead, blue eyes. Percy lifted his head up to meet the ghost's stare.

Deathly green met icy blue.

Both gazes were unwavering at each other as the blood dribbled from her lip in a realistic fashion as blood started to ooze out of Percy's nose.

"You need to let go."

Percy's voice was strong, unwavering, confident. But at the same time it was weak, wavering, and meek. He was scared and everyone could tell.

"I can't."

"Let. Go."

"I can't!"

They watched in horror as Charlotte began to claw at her throat while screaming, taring at her ghostly flesh as Percy stared her down.

Roger made a break for it. He pushes past the group with Charlotte disappearing shortly after, they ran after him with Percy lagging behind them. Sam and Dean took the lead, Sara close behind them with Matt on her tail, Alex was just a hair short of matching Matt's pace.

"Roger!" Dean shouts as Sara cleared Sam's speed and matched her pace with Dean's, he could hear her panting and taking shallow breaths.

"What's...the plan?" She gasped out and Dean grunts. He faintly hears her pant out a 'So no plan then?' before he saw the motherfucker run into the gym. He skids to a stop and turns to the others, he gazes at the blushed cheeks and panting faces that had sweat dripping down the skin.

"Are we ready?"


Roger ran a hand through his hair, huffing angrily as fear creeped up his spine. He was fucked and he knew it, but what scared him the most was the fact that he hid the bones of Charlotte under the bleachers.

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