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WHEN I REACHED HOME, Liam stood near the door-hands crossed and eyes piercing

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WHEN I REACHED HOME, Liam stood near the door-hands crossed and eyes piercing. It made me question a lot of things but the most important of them all stayed: why wasn't he at college and why in hell did he look mad? I had no clue. And for once, I wasn't curious to talk to my brother.

So, I walked right past him.

My sweet smile and a hand wave did nothing to ease the horrific scowl on his face. Why-what in the world had pissed him off so much? His eyes seemed tired, mostly because he never slept. He either sold his nights to reading or completing his college projects. The guy was a powerhouse.

"How did you come home?"

His tone was terrifying.

Clearly, he had seen me come home by a car, and I never owned a car-probably because I would've run it over multiple people and damaged it beyond words. Driving gave me anxiety. "A friend dropped me off."

I hadn't intended on calling him a friend. Me and Liam had strange terminologies for numerous occasions, one of them being people who were more than acquaintances but couldn't be called friends just yet. And because I sold the relationship so easily, his eyebrows arched upwards in amusement.

He knew me too well.

"Friend?" his tone was clearly drenched in doubt. I broke into a nervous laughter. "Acquaintance, you know. But since he helped me out, calling him a friend wouldn't be that bad, would it?"

He laughed whilst walking backwards, and I couldn't let the humor in that fly away. "You tell me."

With furrowing eyebrows and pouted lips, I threw my bag at the couch and followed him into the kitchen to grab something to munch on. Usually, I did a great deal of annoying Liam to such a massive extent, and nobody could compete with me on it. However, bunny boy's mood was sour for an entirely different reason-and I was bound to find exactly that. "What's up with you?"

He rubbed his eyes. "I told you I didn't have classes today. If only you ever paid attention to me."

I tried to recall when he'd said that and ended up rolling my eyes. If his way of saying, hey, I am not going to college tomorrow, was I am going to stay up all night, I wasn't going to get it anyway. I shook my head, as if telling him I recalled when he told me that. "No, I meant your mood."

"I would preach that college sucks," he spoke, and then groaned, "but I don't want you to have any expectations of it yet. Figure it out yourself."

"Ookay?" I laughed. He dropped aimlessly on the couch, legs crisscrossed. I sat opposite, phone in my hands. "You said the exact same thing about High School-and it sucks, indeed."

He shrugged again, causing me to raise my eyebrows. His hair was messed up badly, as if he didn't pay any attention to even brush through it with his fingers. Liam loved to look presentable at all instances-it was me with the fashion sense of a sock. The way his face was pulled down with the scowl, it felt like I was talking to a different human altogether.

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