Chapter 5: hello partners

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will be edited soon for: grammar, consistency of the story, respresenting MC character better

also please forgive me for some cringey stuff that is especially present in the first part pls, especially on the romance side. you gotta understand that was 14/15 year old me who was pretending she knew what having a crush on a boy looks like (I dont..I'm a lesbian please)


We all walked to the office of Mr Black. Black didn't trust anyone, not even his own agents. Can't really blame him though, he was a hatred, terrible man with a lot of enemies. Possibly everyone in this building could be an enemy who is out to kill him. Hell, even I wanted to kill him. But I'm not that stupid. Mr Black 'got rid' of everybody who, according to his paranoid brain, looked suspicious.

Like last year. A man, age 26, Martyn Foster, or maybe he was named Martin Forster? I couldn't care less; all I know is that he did something stupid. He was a computer guy, he had to hack into computers, make viruses for computers and hacked a lot of the target's computers, controlled security cameras and spread false information about 'the strange deaths'. The computer guys all thought that we, the actual killers who DID the job, were heartless, psychotic, crazy, terrible people. But we thought they were weird, mean, suspicious. And a lot more. They always acted like they were on another level of 'genius', like they call it. Like hacking is more dangerous than actually killing targets. Safe behind your computer screen or facing the danger itself. Now tell me what's more dangerous.

So, this Martyn was the number 1 idiot of all the idiots on earth. First, he was here because he wanted the job. He really wanted to be here. You can't make this up. Mr Black payed the guy because he was some kind of computer genius, or he was just good at making sandwiches, I've no idea. So that idiot accepted the money, bought a lot and stayed here. Easy money. The human is a fool when it comes to money.

Now the best part comes. He wanted to quit. He wanted to quit. You don't just quit here. You stay until you die. For us, it's a little earlier than the hackers, but still, they don't get to leave either. But genius Martyn was money hungry, so he signed the contract and gave his life away. Poof, life gone. I didn't have the opportunity to even say goodbye to my stepparents. He got the chance to live a life but as the money freak he chose the wrong option. No, I'm not jealous because he had free will.

Mr Black wasn't, how can I say it, happy? He was pissed. Nobody had ever dared to speak to him like that! He was really offended by a 26 years old who asked if he could quit. Mr Black, of course, send Martyn straight back to his computer.

Then Martyn Foster started his oh so genius 'master plan'. I think that's what he would call it. I would call it 'suicide'. Because why would you do that? You know what he did? He sent mails and secret messages to other people. Telling them he was trapped, kidnapped, here against his will. That he needed help and that Mr Black had a secret agency. Yeah, I guess you can already see where this is going.

Mr Black may be a paranoid psycho, he is smart. He found out about the mails and immediately wanted to see Foster. I've heard he just laughed at Fosters face like it was just a joke to him. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if that's true. Foster wanted to escape but the guards took him to the office to never be seen again.

And let me tell you, the office is really scary. It's a white room with one desk and a High-tech computer. A door in the back leads to some kind of lab with a big screen, computers, a table in the middle of the room which shows holograms. It isn't real holograms like you see in the movies. It was like a big computer on a table. We could see files from targets or a map of the place / country we had to go to. Okay, I don't know much about technology okay? But you get the point. Black usually showed us the targets on the big screen.

She can easily kill you.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu