41~ People

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Blinking the sleep out of my eyes, I try to remember where I am.

My first thought is that I'm at Stellas because I'm currently wrapped in a black comforter. However, the smell of mint tells me how wrong I am. sitting up, I try to register the fact I still in Ashtons room.

What time is it?

Getting up, I grab my phone before sitting back down, reading a message from my brother.

You were sleeping so I left you there, Ash has clothes for you
Try to behave

Oh, no. Finally checking the time to be seven a.m. I spent the night at Ashtons, in his bed, with him, while wearing his clothes.

And I slept the entire time.

"Morning." Ashton whispers, entering the room with a coffee mug.

Smiling as I take in his bed head, I snag the coffee. "Good morning."

"You seem well rested." He offers, sitting down besides me.

I chug the coffee, nodding in response. I haven't felt this energized in months. I think I slept for over 12 hours.

"Is there an actual reason you sleep better with me?" Ashton asks, seeming somewhat unsure about my reaction.

Downing the rest of my cup, I plan Sages death. Someone was a little chatty when they picked Saffron up.

"I told you yesterday, I trust you more than I trust anyone else." I admit, focusing on my fingers in embarrassment. This is the truth, I have no shame in facing him. "I meant that in every physical way possible."

There is no one else I'd rather be with, all of my worries and fear dissolve when I'm around him. "Besides, I like the way you smell. It calms me."

If we're being honest, I might as well say everything. Even though I feel like now is the perfect time to disaster before he laughs.

"And how do I smell, Sweetheart?" He questions smugly.

"Like mint."

And now it's time for me to leave the room.

Going to get up, Ashton cuts me off, pulling my legs. Laying flat on the bed, I watch as he crawls over me. Our faces are centimeters apart and I'm dying for him to just kiss me but he stops. Using my hands, I crash our lips together, hoping that's an obvious enough yes for him.

His lips work their way down my neck, giving in to my silent pleas. I giggle as he kisses my collarbone, I stop as he pulls away. Taking in his hesitation, my heart warms. I've never had someone care so much about my feelings in a situation like this before.

"It's ok." I whisper, tracing his cheek.

He kisses my skin again lazily. I giggle but it's cute short as his tongue brushes over my skin, tugging on his hair to keep from reacting.

As he nibbles his teeth against my skin, there's no holding my moan back. I've never felt like this before, ever. I need more. roaming my hands across his body, he gets the picture and pulls his shirt off.


He continues to kiss me slowly and I shove him off of me, leering over him as I kiss him feverishly. Moving down his neck, I skip over what I've pegged to be his sensitive area. His grip tightens at my teasing, giving me another idea.

In one swift motion, I yank my shirt off, exposing my chest. For once, I'm happy I slept in a bra.

He stares at me in shock, causing me to smirk. Bingo.

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