20: New Found Power.

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Violets P.O.V

My pack finally calmed me down, but I still refused to talk let alone explain what had happend that night, or even when I was in hell to train with Sean.

"Violet, you have to get some sleep we have training at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning. Don't be late." Sean said sternly. I nodded and layed down on my side. My pack left after saying a quite 'goodnight'. I quickly fell asleep into a nightmare, I'm used to them by now but they still freak me out.

In the morning. I wake up and quickly look at my phone worried that I woke up to late. '3:56' it read.

"Shit I'm late." I say to my self as I rush to get ready. I can't be late. Especially when we are talking about Sean.

"Violet? Why are you running?" Alex asked as I ran down the stairs and accidentally ran into him sending shocks and tingles to go up my spine, he wraps his arm around my waist to keep me from falling as I hit his shoulder. He seemed to be in a daze as our skin stays in contact for a second.

"I-im going to be late for my training with Sean." I studder at the beginning and then strengthening at the end. I try to pull away from his grasp, but he just holds me tighter.

"Violet... I really am sorry about rejectig you. I regret it so damn much." He says with pain, and regret. I relax slightly.

"And one question, why didn't you cry or even really react when I rejected you?" I could tell he was generally curious. I laugh softly.

"Because I already had my wolf and knew you were my mate. I also knew you were going to reject me because I was the omega, my wolf had time to cope with the fact to we were prepared. It still hurt and it still does but it's better." I felt a hand on my cheek and noticed that he was wiping a tear I didn't know was there away.

"I don't like it when you cry..." He spoke softly. Destiny was smiling and acting like a giddy fangirl meeting her idol.

"Alex... I have to get to training... I'm already late and Sean doesn't like that." I said slightly scared of what Sean would do. Alex let go of me and I pretty much sprinted onto the feild where Sean was waiting looking at his phone in annoyance.

'Uh oh.' Destiny said cowering slightly.

'Uh oh is right.' I said back. Sean pressed somthing on his phone and walked over to me before showing me a stop watch. '00.28.04' it read.

"Twenty-eight minutes late. Twenty-eight Violet!" Sean yells, I've only ever been five minutes late. Shit.

"S-sorry Sean." I studder, this only makes him angrier.

"Don't studder. Be confident in your self Violet. Have you fogeten everything I taught you?" He said through gritted teeth.

"Well its not my fult." I say sternly. He grins, slightly pleased but mostly irritated

"It is you fault. You left hell so you could be with your club of mutt friends." He said. This made me furious, and he knew it. He loves to get me mad, he angers me enough to attack him. When I do he measures the amount of strength I have, the real amount.

"You know a pack is not a "club"! Plus I was in hell for years, and they were in truble! I needed to help them." I yell as my eyes change color and flare up with magic. He smirks.

"Yes it is. You should have stayed in hell. You know that demons are the strongest out of all of the supernatural world. All the others just hang around eachother being all lovey-dovey I mean come on you can't even keep you hands off of your mate. At least demons have the decency to not burden others with so much PD-" he was cut off by me takling him and trying to kill him, but he has a sheild up preventing me from ripping his head off. He doesn't stop talking like he usually does either. He only smirks and starts to measure my power as he speaks.

"Even after all of these years you still adore the werewolfs, still love all supernatural beings. Even after the heartbreak of your mate rejecting you. Even after all of the nights you cried on my shoulder in pain because Alex was mating another." He says Calmly, I can tell he was remembering the years I was in hell with him. But what he is saying is making me want to kill him more. He knows that's a sore spot.

"After all of that you still think he will change you think that he will love you. After all of it you still love him." He said. I know he said the last part by accident from the look of fear and regret on his face. He knew he went to far.

"What. Did. You. Just. Say?" Black flames were roaring loudly around me and Sean, there was a commotion behind me but I could care less all I want to do right now is kill Sean.

"I only spoke the truth. You are going to have to admit it some day." He spoke softly and sympathetic way. It didn't calm me.

"I will choose when that time is. I don't need someone telling me when I should forgive him. Last I knew you arnt the moon goddess or Satan so you can't tell me what to do!" I broke throught his sheild and he finally finished measuring my power just in time to teleport away from my flying fist, instead my first ran into bars.

"Did you just put me in a fricking cage?!" I yelled. He just nodded.

"You are about to kill me. I'm not taking any risks." He

"Violet? What's happening?" I heard Simon ask in a worried voice. My head snapped towards him and I saw my whole pack along with most of Alex's pack. All of them including my pack looked like they are about to shit their pants.

"I'm trying to measure her power, I went a bit to far when getting her mad." Sean explained. Alex decided to be brave and walked up to the cage.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. She's unstable." Sean tryed to get Alex away from the cage but he wouldn't listen.

"It's your fult! Why can't you just measure it when she's calm, and what's the point anyways! Why does her magic mater?" Simon asked after gaining some balls. I sat down in the middle of the cage, my action making Sean step back and look at we curiously, but also frightened.

"Her magic matters because right now I'm the only person that can hold her back! If her magic gets to strong for me to handle then you can all say 'bye-bye life as we know it.'" He said. I knew there was more to it then that, we both know it.

I closed my eyes and brought out my soul. I heard gasps as a reaction. I put my hands on the ground and dug my fingers into it. My soul started to produce waves of power that are slowly getting stronger. After a while I was board of waiting. I wanted out of the cage now. My eyes snapped open, all I could see was red. I felt myself heat up to the point that it felt like fire was engulfing my body. One massive wave of power washed over the area and the heat in my body went down, my soul went back into me and I could see clearly again. The cage was disintegrated and everyone was on the ground. I stood up but almost immediately fell into a kneeling position. I felt people slowly getting up but all I could do was kneel, I looked around to see everybody terrified. Alex, Simon and Sean came over to me.

"Violet, are you ok? What was that?" Alex was the first to speak. I looked up at Sean and he stared right back at me.

"I don't entirely know..." I admitted. Sean grabbed me by my shoulders and stood me up.

"We'll figure it out tonight, right now you have three hours of running to do in your human form. So get going." He said. I sighed and started to run.

(Hey guys! Sorry for not posting for a while... I hope this makes up for it. Remember to comment it helps me a lot!)

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