Chapter Seventy-Eight

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So i'm kinda dumb...

Back on Chap 72 or something I did the 3 year time skip and i said 'sometime September'

*face palm* no. Sorry. I lied. I made a mistake. Because I have i bad memory.

Let's change 'sometime in September' to 'sometime in May' does that sound better???

Shit. That means Han and Jae aren't 11, they're 10 and i'm not gonna fix it 😂😂😂😂🙏🙏🙏🙏


"Haneul will you please get the door?" Jungkook asked as he grabbed Hyunwoo by the back of his shirt to prevent him from attacking Hyunseok who stole a red crayon from him and was now trying to chew on it while Taehyung was holding Hyunmi as she squirmed and yelled so she could take her medicine. Both triplets have come down with a cold and trying to get them to take their medicine was almost similar to taking a train to Hell.

"Sure," Haneul said as he made his way to the door.

He opened it and frowned when a little girl stared up at him with wide, glossy eyes and a somewhat startling not-so cuddly bear in her arms. There was a long, awkward silence before Haneul broke it, saying,

"Honey, isn't it too late to be selling girl scout cookies?"

She frowned and slowly looked behind her at the empty street. Haneul followed her gaze, "where's your mom or dad?"

The girl looked back at him before bursting into tears. He flinched and his eyes widened, not sure if he should hug or call 911. He looked back at his parents who were busy trying to force a spoon with medicine in their mouths. Hyunseok took it but Hyunmi grabbed the spoon and threw it.

"Mom," he yelled.

"Who is it?" Taehyung said annoyed as he went to grab the thrown spoon.

"I-I," he looked back at the crying girl before looking back at him, "i don't know."

The brunette sighed and walked towards the door. He pushed Haneul out of the way earning a sassy 'hmph' from the eleven year old. He opened the door wider and looked down. It took his brain forever to process the situation before he gasped and knelt down.

"Ahreum?!" He exclaimed, grabbing Jungkook's attention from struggling with Hyunwoo. He sure was strong for a three year old.

Jungkook dropped Hyunwoo on the couch and rushed towards the door before saying, "what the fuck?"

Taehyung cupped Ahreum's face as his own tears began to form. There was a silent moment as Taehyung's tears threatened to overflow and Ahreum's slowly came to a halt. Ahreum stared at him and her face contorted into confusion before shock.


The hold broke and tears poured down Taehyung's face. He pulled Ahreum into a hug and, once again, the five year old didn't know what to do so she just stood there. His face looked like the face from her dreams when they were still somewhat visible. The boy's face looked rather familiar too but she was just scared because Taemin had left her.

She looked up to the taller male who was busy trying to figure out who left his daughter on their porch in the night like a bag of trash. The street was empty besides some of the cars parked on the sides and it angered him because it was freezing outside.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked her as he pulled away and took her cold hand in his, "how long have you been out here?"

Ahreum shrugged and looked back towards the street. She wanted Taemin and Jimin, just because these people's faces looked familiar didn't mean she actually knew them. TaTa probably wasn't even his real name. She wanted to go home and play with Jisung and eat whatever terrible food Taemin made and listen to Jisung complain about it. She liked sitting in front of the fireplace when Taemin or Jimin decided to use it and watch whatever stupid cartoon was on. Jisung wasn't even done telling her about Archduke Wilber Frongkin, the frog heir to the throne Macedonia. Wherever that was.

She hugged Sir Edward close to her chest before asking, "c-can you take me home?"

Both Taehyung and Jungkook wanted to tell her that she was home. That this has been her home even when she wasn't physically there. But they both knew that, to her, this was a place full people she didn't know. She saw Kristin has her mother and lived with her for three years then was taken away by Jimin who she lived with for a few months. They weren't sure if she'd ever consider this her real home now. She's been abandoned three times now, the first time she can't remember but she can remember the two other times. Maybe she wouldn't get close to them as a protection method just in case they decided to abandon her too.

"To Jimin?" Jungkook asked, his voice shaky as he pulled her into their house.

"A-and Taeminie," she added.

They honestly didn't know what to do but they did know that they were sure as hell not taking her back to Jimin. Taehyung reached in his pocket for his phone.

"I'm calling Jisoo."


"Because she'll know what to do."


"I could charge him for child abandonment..." Jisoo said as she took a sip of tea, "but I don't want to do that. Its not like he dropped her off at a random store or something."

She had brought Junghwa with her and the younger female was in the kitchen with Ahreum. She was glad Taehyung had called her then because she was getting ready to leave and go home and Junghwa had just gotten in her car from the DSS building  (Department of Social Services) when she called her.

"I believe the only reason Jimin kept her this long was to feel an empty void," she explained her theory, "because even when a parent, especially a carrier, gives their child away whether its abandonment or by law they'll still be left with a sense of attachment and when Jimin saw Ahreum for the first time in five years that motherly attachment kinda came back and he took this as an opportunity to fill that void.

"But six months is a long time and during that time, Ahreum was able to grow closer to him and his husband and their lifestyle in general. She was also able to grow really, really close to Kristin during those three years and these huge and sudden changes are going to make her very cautious. I know Jimin didn't take her to a therapist or any form of a therapist and may have not studied psychology or went into the field that handles children but i do know for a fact that she's going to need one bad. I'm not saying she'll grow up to be the female version of Charles Manson or something but I do know if she doesn't get a therapist, she's going to have some real attachment, anxiety, possible depression and abandonment issues and/or more and that's what I'm worried about."

To finish Jisoo's statement and upon hearing her statement, Junghwa walked into the living room, "I don't suggest you try to push her into anything big right now like school, parks, parades you know...regular things for kids. Don't try to make her remember anything because that'll mess things up and don't pretend that everything normal either, just accepting her and pretending that she's been here and was never kidnapped will be weird but don't make her feel different. As Jisoo said, a therapist, child psychiatrist, child psychologist or maybe all the above will be very much needed."

Taehyung took in all the information before asking, "so when can she start school?"

"I don't believe she's ever been to school to be honest so....i'm not 100% sure. Hiring a tutor until a therapist gives you permission to put her into school."

Both parents nodded and Jisoo and Junghwa finished talking. Jungkook thanked them for coming over before closing the door and sighing. Taehyung walked towards him and wrapped his arms around him.

"She's back," he finally said, "we're complete now."


Word Count: 1380

It sucks because I had to rush lol

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