Chapter 39

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I'm hot. Really fucking hot and I've been lying here dying for awhile now. I wanted to let out a groan of frustration and kick the heavy blanket off of me but I didn't want to wake the sleeping beauty who was pressed against my back, her nose buried in my hair. I lifted my head slowly and took a glance at the alarm clock on Camila's night stand.


Are you kidding me?

Camila and I fell asleep only a few hours ago, if that. The slow breaths hitting the back of my neck, and the soft snores behind me made me smile and push my backside further into Camila. I nearly melt when I feel her unconsciously tighten her arm around my waist pulling me closer to her body, making me forget all about how hot I was before. Kicking one of my legs out of the blanket helped also.

Honestly, all day I've been wanting to tell her about Normani and Devon leaving Thursday and the party that's going on tomorrow. Well today, technically but whatever. It's been gnawing at my gut all day, for the past few days actually. Devon has been texting me non stop about their going away party, Normani has even texted me about it too.

Before Camila and I fell asleep we cuddled and watched baking shows on Netflix. I had just sat and laughed as I watched Camila suddenly become a professional baker by calling out everything that each contestant was doing "wrong" after only finishing the first episode. Although she was cute as fuck and watching her kept me distracted, I couldn't stop the guilt that crept on me every time she would smile at me like I was the greatest thing in the entire world.

I'm so fucking dramatic and freaking out over something that will probably be nothing. But on the other hand.... Camila did freak out on me for not telling her I smoked a cigarette the other day and she found out by smelling it on my breath. Oh god, she's really gonna flip this time. Normani and Devon told me about them leaving like two weeks ago and I still haven't told her so she's gonna assume that I'm planning on going with or something stupid since I haven't told her and she loves assuming shit.

I huffed in frustration and lifted my head to check the time, I've probably been up for an hour now freaking out over this.



I quickly pressed my lips together, I didn't mean to say that out loud. When Camila didn't stir, I knew she was in a deep sleep. Thank god. I sigh deeply and roll around so I'm facing Camila. The light from the moon peeks in through the shades shining perfectly over Camila's face so I'm able to lay back and admire.

I slowly and carefully reach my hand up and move a strand of hair out of her face so I can see her better. Her skin is so soft, I think to myself as I run the pad of my thumb gently across her cheek trailing down to her curved pink lips.

Damn, I really love this girl.

I continue with my exploration as my thumb travels down to her chin and my fingers lightly brush her jawline. My eyes stay on her face just admiring and feeling incredibly lucky to have her as mine, I really don't deserve her. To have someone this special and amazing, how did I get so lucky? What did I do? What could I have possibly done, to be blessed with someone like her?

Camila could have anyone in the world and she chose me. Just me. It literally takes everything in me not to just engulf her in a bone crushing hug and wrap my arms and legs around her and try to be as close to her as possible. Soft snores make the smile on my face grow. Her long dark lashes resting on her cheeks, cute sloped button nose, and her perfect pink lips that I love to kiss so much make my heart throb with nothing but love for her.

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