Would He Say It Back?

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After taking a hot shower with Trent and getting dressed. Me in his too-big-for-me tshirt and sweat pants while he wore his plaid pajama pants with a hoodie.

Trent took a seat at the small kitchen table and watched me as I cooked us food. Contrary to what Trent said earlier.

After about twenty minutes, I placed a plate with three tacos in front of Trent then took a seat across from him with my own set of tacos.

"Thanks," Trent whispered before eating. I gave him a small smile in return.

"Guess what," I said.

"Hm?" Was the best response he could come up with due to the food stuffed in his mouth.

"I got an email earlier from the Principal saying I can start the mural on Monday," I told him with a triumphant smile.

"Why do you want to paint a mural for the worlds shittiest school?" he asked giving me a that's stupid look.

I shrugged, "I don't know. I guess knowing that my art work being displayed for everyone to see is kind of exciting even if it is in a shitty school."

"I guess," Trent said. "What are you painting?"

"Well, our mascot is a fox, so it'll be like a forest with some foxes lurking around."

Trent nodded in understanding then moved onto his last taco.

"So what movie are we watching after this?" I asked.

"Ugh. Do we have to watch a movie?" Trent groaned.

"Yes, you promised me," I said matter-a-factly.

"Um I don't believe I ever uttered the words 'I promise' to you. And I agreed to a movie so you'd stop talking and kiss me. I didn't actually mean it. Ya' know, you try really hard to make us into a relationship. We're not in a relationship, Justin, so stop trying to turn everything into a date," he said in annoyance.

I'm not gonna lie, that hurt a little bit, but I tried not to show it. "Well, rather you meant it or not, you said 'sex, shower, eat, then movie.' I allowed you to have sex with me, so we're watching a movie together."

Trent scoffed "allowed me? You allowed me to have sex with you?" I nodded. "Don't kid yourself, Justin. You love having sex with me just as much as I do."

I smirked and raised my eyebrows at him. "You love having sex with me? I'm the best you've ever had, aren't I?"

Trent rolled his eyes. "Considering you're the only one I've ever had" he muttered getting me to smile.

I stood up, "Well, we're watching a movie. I don't care that you don't want to. In fact, I'm picking out the movie cause I don't give a shit about your opinion."

Trent sighed in defeat and put both of our plates in the sink before following me to the tv room.

Trent sat on the couch while I searched for a movie. "How did I know you were gonna pick this movie?" Trent asked when I put The Goonies on. My all time favorite movie.

I sat next to him. "Probably because every time I would come over to your house when we were younger, I'd make you watch it."

He chuckled, "every single time," Trent recalled then wrapped an arm around me and drew me closer to him so we were both cuddling on the couch. (Talk about us not being in a relationship then cuddles with me. I swear this kid is bipolar). I laid my head against him and enjoyed watching the movie.

At that moment, I wondered if I were to tell him I love him, would he say it back? But I truly don't know. Though I desperately want to tell him how much I love him, how much I couldn't live without him, I'm terrified he'd shut me out for good.

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