< S E V E N >

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© Amber Kalkes 2014


*Warning: Violence.

< S E V E N >

Arden wakes up to a sound she doesn’t recognize. She realizes quickly Kayla and her fell asleep on the couch and the movement of the DVD menu is the only source light in the quiet living room. Kayla is curled towards the couch with a throw blanket on her while Arden has one of her own covering her own form. Arden takes in the scene for only a second before dreads builds in her stomach telling her something isn’t quite right.

Pushing the mint green throw from her lap she sits up looking around the room only to catch a bit of movement out of the front window. Her wolf is instantly on alert and Arden is on the same height of awareness. After seeing Steve in town she can’t stop the knowledge that he isn’t a patient hunter. He will strike sooner than later, a risk Arden can’t take lightly with Kayla and May under her protection.

Her bare feet hit the hard wood floorboard below her as she rises off the couch while her eyes scan the area outside. That’s when she hears it, the whistled song that haunts her nightmare echoing through the night. A song Steve would often gleefully assault her with before using her body as a chew toy, made for his sadistic pleasures.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” His voice taunts.

Kayla and May won’t be able to hear it with how low it is but Arden knows as well as he knows she can hear it. Her body is rigged with tension as she fights back a sob at the idea that she may be taken back to the pack or worse taken back to the Alpha. Her wolf snarls in her head while feeding her strength and resolve through their bond making her quit the sobs in favor of her instincts.

She said she’d fight for her new pack and she will.

Opening the front door she steps onto the porch before closing the front entrance behind her as quietly as she can. She listens for a moment and makes sure no one stirs in their sleep enough to wake up. It doesn’t take her eyes long to find Steve in the clearing in front of the house, the same place she passed out five days before. She’s not surprised to find he looks the same.

His blonde hair is tousled perfectly and his clothes are cut perfectly to his chiseled body. At first glance most woman would drool at the sight of Steven Montgomery. He is without a doubt handsome but Arden knows his true nature, the one hidden behind those glittering baby blues. The side he only shows her, the monster shrouded in the image of an angel.

“You look well, pet.” Steven growls lustfully, “I’ll have fun breaking you again.”

“Fuck off.” She snarls.

Steve’s dark blonde brows rise in surprise, “Grown stronger in will too, aye? Good. It’ll make watching the light dim in your eyes even more enjoyable.”

“Your sick.”

“Maybe.” He shrugs, “But it doesn’t really matter does it?”

“You’re trespassing.” She croaks.

He quirks an eyebrow, “So are you. Your nothing better then a rogue at the moment, Pet. I don’t think the Alphas of the White Moon pack will mourn your loss much.”

“They won’t take kindly to you hunting on their land.”

He smirks, “Pet you seem to forget that you masked your scent. They don’t even know you’re here. How, may I ask, will they miss someone they didn’t even know was even on their land?”

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