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^Such a beautiful song! Makes me cry every time T_T (All I want By Kodaline)



"New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings."




I swallowed nervously and walked up to the door. I rang the doorbell. Twice.

The door didn't open immediately, which was a good thing, it gave me time to gather my wits.

"What are you doing here?" Jace leaned against the door. His hair was disheveled, his voice raspy. He had probably been asleep. It didn't come as a surprise, considering how early it was.

"I wanted to talk to you." I swallowed again. He stepped aside so I could come inside but I shook my head. He gave me a confused look and raised his eyebrows in question.

"I'm leaving." I told him finally.

Jace nodded. "Yeah, Scarlett told me." He gave me a small smile. "I think you're doing the right thing. Moving away from here is the best thing for you and Scarlett. You guys need to start fresh."

I swallowed.

"You came here because you wanted to tell me you're leaving?" He asked pointedly.

I chuckled nervously. "Yeah that and one other thing."

Jace gave me a pointed look, waiting for me to explain.

"Come with me." I urged, as I started leading him towards the driveway.

I stopped next to my motorcycle and slung an arm over his shoulder.

"Okay, I'm confused." He said looking at me in exasperation.

I rolled my eyes. "It's yours."

He blanched. "You're giving me your Harley?!" He shook his head. "I think you've finally lost it."

I sighed. "I'm serious Jace. I want you to have her."

"I can't accept this Hunter. I know how much you love this bike. You treat it like it's your child!"

I winced.

Okay, so maybe that is true.

"Look Jace, I'm leaving anyway. I can't take her with me. And I really want you to have her." My voice was pleading.

He finally caved. "Okay." His lips quirk into a genuine smile. "I've always loved this bike."

I nodded. "You were the one who helped me pick her out, remember? "

His eyes glassed over. "Yeah, we used to spend hours working on her. Those were good days."

I felt a pang of sadness in my heart.

Jace was the one person who had always had my back.

He'd never stopped being my friend even when I didn't deserve his friendship.

I turned to him so he could read my lips clearly. "You wanted to know why I came here."

"To give me this beautiful motorcycle of yours." He teased.

"Yes, but that's not the main reason." I admitted.

"I wanted to apologize to you Jace." I took a deep breath. "You were my brother, you are my brother. I should never have treated you like that. I was angry and I was jealous because you were a part of Scarlett's life while I wasn't. That doesn't excuse my behavior, I know. But I hope you have it in your heart to forgive me. Your friendship means a lot to me. I don't want it to be over because I was a fool."

The Past Between UsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon