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Jason admitted it, he loves Gotham. He loves the people. The enviroment. The scenery. The- alright. Alright.

It's a joke. 

No fucking sane people gonna said they love Gotham without at least have a record of spending the night in Arkham's bed, save for a couple of people. Hmm, yeah. Bruce. 

But still, he loves Gotham.

The whole my-life-started-here-so-i'll-ended-them-at-the-very same-place kinda love.

You get the idea.

Now let's forget the damn Gotham for a second and think about Bludhaven. Bludhaven have something, something different compared to Gotham. Maybe due to the lacked of stupid thugs or crazy psycho villians. But that's a differences in a department that only included obsessive and aggressive people. We now talked about the other type of something different. Non similar. Rare. Peculiar. Whatever synonyms to 'different' that were listed in the dict- Google.

Exactly, Google.

Cause you know, who used a freaking dictionary anymore. Definitely not Jason. Uh-uh.

Okay. Got distracted.



Jason was sitting at the edge of the roof top. Not quite sitting as he was half body tilted dangerously from the edge of the rooftop to sneak a glance into one of the apartment underneath him. He swore he heard a scream. Sounds like it came from the window but, didn't see any movement whatsoever.

Having confirmed that he saw nothing out of place from inside of the building and proving he once again, in the freaking need of eight hours sleep, Jason walked from that one side of the rooftop to the other side. Took out his grappling hook and- shoot!

Oh my God !

Oh my- what the hell!

The heck!

Oh God. His heart. His fucking precious one and only heart. Who the heck?

Okay, what the F. Capital F and word not written as a complete word instead just the letter, cause you see, Jason was just about to shot his grappling gun. And guess what- there's a boy...


A boy. In a big baggy baby blue sweater. Too bright compared to the dark night sky. Hood's up, sleeves rolled halfway to midforearm. A scowl on his face. 

Oh poor kid. With that kind of scowl, this kid gonna sure get wrinkle on that big-ass forehead way before he get to taste his first official alcohol. 

Again. Got distracted.



A bright green eyes bored their way through his own not so green eyes. Jason blinked a couple more time (exaggerating the action to it's fullest) to gain back some of his conciousness that had gone when he almost chocked on his own heart a couple seconds ago. 

Jason was contemplating on what to do. He got a couple choices here. He sure got the upper hand too, seeing this kid standing in front of him (posture relax-or not so relax if the tense on his shoulder and constant tapping of his left foot is any indication to his nerverness? Maybe. Ughh, that resting bitch face on his freaking face with that big as globe green eyes) seems pretty fragile.

But then again, he almost- pay attention to the word- almost shot the kid in the head with a grappling gun.


If Dick was here.

If replacement was here.

If anyone was here.

It's safe to say that, he'll never live this down. 


Either from the fact that some middle school kid managed to sneak on him or the fact that he killed again. Doesn't matter if it is accidental or not.

Someone's gonna get him.

He's gonna- what wow.



Wait a second. 

Where the hell did this kid come from.

He didn't just sneak up on Red Hood. 

No one does that.

He didn't got sneak up on. And he's not in denial.

Hence that question was out of his mouth through his front teeth with quite a thick layer of venom in it and some deep throat growl as sound effect, before he got to stop himself. 

"Who are you, kid?"

A tilted head and...swinging hand?

Okay. What the fuck.


Seriously, what the fuck.

A/N : I'm rambling, I know. *Sigh.

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