Yes M'lord

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Keith's POV

The door swung open, the blinding light shining through the cement doorway. I quickly crawled to the corner of my cell hugging my knees. My bare back against the cold wall, my bare legs shaking, searching for warmth. All I wore was my dark blue boxers. When my sight finally returned I saw my captor and torturer, Lotor.

"No! No! Get out you fu-!" I screamed. Half of my cuts and wounds he's inflicted on me in the past week or two hadn't even healed yet. Why is he here!? "You told me I had twenty days!"

"Ah, Ah, ah." He chastised as he slowly walked over to me and crouched down. His large, violet hand grabbing my chin, forcing me to look at him. A few long, white, strands of hair fell in front of his eyes. "Is that anyway to greet a prince?" He asked in his calm Altean voice. My body just shook as his black eyes stared deep into mine. "Answer me, Paladin. Or you will be punished twice as hard after these twenty days are finished." He ordered standing.

I looked down at myself and saw the gashes and blood that I hadn't seen in the dark. Then I glanced at his sword and sighed a shaky, ragged, breath.

"N-no... it's-it's not." I stuttered. "Quiznack! Keep your voice calm idiot!" I thought to myself.

"You're right. It's not. Now try again."

"I don- I don't know what you want me to say. You've beaten and tortured me for weeks! What am I supposed to say!? How's it going!? What's the weather like? I wouldn't know because you've had me LOCKED IN A PITCH BLACK CELL FOR FOR A MONTH!!!... Your highness." I bitterly added.I began trembling when I realized my mistake as I heard his deep sinister chuckle above me.

"You were always the most fiery of them, Paladin. That's probably why you got the red lion, Keith." He hummed brushing his hair out of his face. "If you weren't healing right now I'd rip you in half." He said as though it was normal. "But, I did promise you twenty days and I shall keep my word. As I promised no torture should befall you in these twenty days. But, I said nothing of what's his name?...  Your little blue friend."

My eyes shot wide open and I snapped my head up to look at him with pleading eyes.

"No! Not Lance! Please not any of them but especially not Lance!" I pleaded. I would say a Shiro to but, that would just put him in more danger. Lotor laughed again.

"Since we made the twenty day deal I won't hurt you but, I still have to punish you. How else will I punish you?"

"Please, any other way but that. Please... my lord." I strained to call him that but it was the only way to save Lance.

"Oh? Thinking respect is going to change anything now?"

"There's nothing else I can do. If I want to save Lance and the team I have to be... good." I thought.

"I beg of, my lord. Please, have mercy. I swear I will talk to you with the respect you deserve if you permit me to do so."

"Now, if only you had been doing that since the beginning." He shook his head as he walked towards the wide open door protected by two Galrinian guards. "Now your poor little Cuban friend will pay for it." He stated about to leave the room.

"No! No! Please! Don't hurt him! Please!"

"Maybe this'll teach you to be a good boy."

"Lotor!" I screamed as I sobbed when the door shut. I banged on the door knowing it wouldn't change anything. Once exhaustion hit I crawled back to my corner and stayed huddled in there crying. All night he heard screams, faint but distinct. It hurt more than any physical pain.

"I'll be better... for you Lance." I whispered to myself as 
I curled back up into the corner and closed my eyes attempting to block out his torment. The last thing I heard as I forced myself to sleep were his begging screams.

Author's Note: Hey pups! This is my first Lotor and paladins story and whew is it heavy! I wouldn't expect regular updates on this one because I have about... three or four thousand stories at the moment. (Most of them aren't published.) I'll see if you like it and update depending on that. See ya soon.
                   — Alpha🐾

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