Chapter 25: Sleep

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They looked into Pentious's many eyes. Sylla and Alastor dashed at Pentious while (Y/n) stood there, seemingly to be somewhat hypnotised. Angel took notice of how his beloved was standing there, tranced, and quickly ran over. "(Y/n)! Are you okay?" At the sound of his voice, she quickly snapped out of it and hugged him before dashing toward the snake.

"I'm glad my bait worked!" Sir Pentious grinned, gesturing to the townsfolk. Alastor told Sylla to distract Pentious while he attempted to shoot him with the sleep ray. Sylla nodded and looked at (Y/n), who successfully managed to summon her wings and fly towards Asila, aiding her in distracting. Pentious began slithering to his machines as the two fallen angels were chasing after him. "Man, for a guy with no legs, he gets away fast!" Sylla cursed, (Y/n) giggled.

As the slippery serpent reached his machine, he gave a menacing smile. Sylla suddenly had flashbacks and had the instinct to look up, as if she was anticipating something. He activated his machine, that was two gigantic rays above Sylla and (Y/n), a pushed a lever, causing the rays to hit both of them, making them fall to the ground. Alastor quickly took this chance and shot Sir Pentious with the ray, making him knock out for a time period similar to eons. Both Angel and Alastor rushed to the two girls, who were both unconscious from that powerful shockwave.

The rest of the team helped rescue the towns folk and everyone went back to their houses unharmed. Pentious was placed in his own capsule, locked up for a lengthy period of hibernation. (Y/n) opened her eyes and saw Angel's worried face. "Hi Angel." she said with a soft, weak smile. She got up slowly, finding Alastor's eyes glowing red, furious at himself. "That was the exact same ray that shot her eight months ago." He growled.

(Y/n) placed her hand on his shoulder "Don't worry. She will wake up in her own time." Alastor sighed and carried the unconscious fallen angel, leaving the lab with everyone else. "Why didn't you wake me up?" (Y/n) asked Angel, who wasn't in his room that morning when she woke up to check on him. "I saw what was going on outside and I decided to handle it myself. I can't risk losing you, so I didn't wake you up." Angel replied. (Y/n) sighed "You know we can fight together. I just found out I've got these sick powers!" She grinned, making Angel blush at how pretty she was.

Just as they reached the hotel, they were met with a man with blonde hair, a white coat, and a cane that had a glossy apple on top of it. "Dad?" Charlie looked at him confused "Why are you here? I-I mean like, what are you doing here?" He chuckled replying "Well, I noticed the town was awfully quiet today, but I'm sure you and your little gang sorted out the issue." He then glared at the rest with a smirk on his face. "Yeah dad, thanks for checking on us, now go back to home and go do your creepy stuff."

He shrugged with a smile "Alright sweety, if you need me, you know where to find me. Bye now!" And with that he left. "Charlie, was that Satan?" (Y/n) questioned confused. "Yeah, he's fun at times but also can be a bore. Why?" Charlie rolled her eyes. "I imagined Satan to be much bigger and scarier looking than a posh 1900s guy." (Y/n) replied. "Oh no no, he is exactly how you describe him to be.. but only when he's angry. Anyways, I need to sort out the hotel... you guys go rest. I'm planning a big event!" Charlie grinned, and with that she was gone.

Niffty, Husk, Vaggie, a few others entered the hotel as well while Angel and (Y/n) bid their farewells to Alastor. The two got into the lift and crashed into Angel's huge pink bed, face first, completely exhausted. "I don't think I can shoot another bullet (Y/n).." Angel complained, tired. But there was no response because (Y/n) had already fallen asleep the second she touched the bed.

Angel got up, carried her and placed her on the bed in the right position instead of the face down one she was in. He laid next to her and admired her cute sleeping face. "In all my years of living and being dead, I've never seen such a pretty face with an amazing personality." He whispered as he pushed a strand of hair out of her face. He flashbacked to his days where he robbed banks and stood on the street, waiting for people to take him home. But now all he wanted to do was to be with (y/n)

He held her close and kissed her forehead, careful not to wake her up. He slowly got off the bed and left the room with one last glance at the sleeping princess before he went out to get something. He straightened his jacket, pushed up his fluff, and left the hotel. Time went by and (Y/n) woke up to find two letters on the bed next to her. She opened the one with a colourful stamp first and read:

Dear Angel Dust,

  You are Invited to the Happy Hotel Ball! It's a ball we have every twenty years that consists of food, drinks, games, and dancing! I hope you can come!

P.S. you've gotten this letter at least two times now thoughout the years, so I bet this isn't a surprise for you.

- Charlie

(Y/n) sat up and walked back to her room with the other letter in hand just to see if she got the same letter on her bed, which she did, a similar letter with the same colourful stamp. She then opened the second letter, which looked slightly old and vintage.

Dear (Y/n),

  I have a feeling that Charlie will ask about the Ball or something around this time, so I wanted to ask if you would come with me. Sorry I didn't ask you in person, I didn't want to wake you. I've never really enjoyed it because it was boring, but I bet that with you, it would be more eventful. So, you wanna go with me?

- Angel♡ xoxo

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