chapter fourteen

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"MAGS, ARE YOU sure you want me to be there when you tell Zane?" I ask as we leave the office arm in arm. I fix the strap of my bag in the crock of my arm, keeping it tight to my side.

"Yes! Of course," she says, flashing me the grin that's been on her lips since we found out she's pregnant. A warmth replacing her initial fear of the idea. "Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know! It's kind of personal, don't you think?" I ask. "Might be better to tell him without me there. For it just to be for the two of you."

"We'll have our time," she says, nudging me softly with her shoulder. "But I want you to be there, too. You are the baby's god mother."

"I am?"

She grins. "Of course, you are," she says. "I couldn't imagine having anyone else. You're my best friend, Em. Aside from Zane, you're the most important person in my life."

My lips curl up as I lean my head against hers. "I'd be so honored."

"I love you."

"I love you, too," I tell her when she pulls me to a stop outside a shop window. An excited yelp falling from her lips as she points to the small baby boutique.

"We have to go in here," she says, pulling me towards the door.

I tighten my grip on her arm, holding her back before she can reach the door. "It's a bit soon to be shopping for the baby, isn't it?"

"I just want to look," she says, ignoring me as she pulls the door open. Unable to shake my happiness and excitement for her, I follow her inside and up and down the aisles. It becoming obvious that she's on the hunt for something.

"Mags, what are you looking for?" I ask with a laugh.

"One second," she tells me as she browses through the tiny hangers. "I'm sure they have what I'm looking for," she says. "Ah! Here we go." She grabs the small blue onesie and turns to show it to me, a wide grin on her lips.

"If you think I'm cute, you should see my aunt," I read the graphic on the front out loud before smiling. "That's adorable."

"Isn't it?" she asks with a grin. "We're getting it."


"To tell Zane," she says as we walk towards the register. A snicker falls from my lips as I follow her towards the front desk, happy for her excitement. With the onesie paid for, Maggie offers me the small paper bag. "Here."

"Why are you giving this to me?" I ask as we step onto the sidewalk once again.

"You'll give Zane that," she explains as she undoes her coat, turning to me. "And I'll show him this."

I scan the small sign tapped to her shirt. "Bun in the oven."

"Please?" she pleas with a grin. "Will you help me?"

"I mean, how can I say no to that?" I ask, pointing to the shirt. She smiles as I hook my arm with hers, directing her towards the subway entrance. With a tight grip on her arm, we step onto the busy subway and grip the pole waiting for our stop. "Are you excited for his reaction?"

"I'm kind of scared," she admits. "We've obviously talked about kids, but we always planned on planning our pregnancy. I... I don't want him to feel trapped."

"Mags, you're married to the man," I tell her. "I don't think he'll feel trapped."

"What if he's upset?"

I shake my head and smile. "Impossible," I say. "He's going to be so excited, Maggie. He loves you so much. I'm seriously envious of the way he loves you."

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