C h a p t e r 2

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One of the horses was making a ruckus causing the boys to wake up.

"Will somebody shut that damn horse up!" A voice shouted through the house. Causing all the boys barely awake to groan at the sound of even more noise.

"Alright, Monte stop yelling! I will go check it out! Next time it's you and Adam dealing with it!" Greyson yelled throughout the house. No use now everyone must be awake.

"Callum lets go" Callum said nothing to Greyson but began to get dressed.

They groggily walked through the house listening to the horse relentlessly cause a ruckus.

"What is wrong with it" Greyson muttered out. Upon exiting the front door they saw the horse near the edge of the fence focusing its eyes at something on the ground as it continued to jump about.

"I swear if it's just a mouse or something I'm going to be pissed" Callum finally spoke out. Both of the boys neared the horse with their arms out in an attempt to calm him down. The black thoroughbred horse named Buck dragged the two boys closer to the edge of the fence.

"Alright alright what is it Bucky?" Greyson said but froze when he saw a small girl doubled over on the ground. Her tiny frame was huddled up and her cheeks were bright red opposite of her pale skin.

"Greyson? What is it?" Callum joined him and once he saw her he quickly hopped over the fence and crouched down beside her. Callum gently lifted her head up and flinched slightly.

"What is it?" Greyson quickly asked.

"Fever. A high one. Get her bags." Callum stated while gently lifting her up. Greyson hopes the fence and grabbed her backpack and duffel bag. They walked around to the fence opening with Greyson directly behind him never taking his eyes off of the mysterious girl.

With her bags in hand Greyson moved in front of Callum opening the door for him as he carried her in.

"I'm putting her in our room" Callum said while beginning to walk up the stairs. Greyson set her bags down on the kitchen table and bolted up the stairs after him not wanting to be away from her.

"So what was that damn horse having a fit ab-" Monte stopped mid sentence as he watched Callum carry the girl up the stairs. Monte walked over to him watching alongside Greyson.

"What is it Monte?" Luca said announcing his presence. He could not see the girl past both Greyson and Monte. So he merely followed them into Greyson and Callum's room. He watched as Callum put something on the bed and once Greyson moved closer to the object Luca saw a beautiful women lying there unconscious.

"Who is she?" Luca spoke out with shock evident in his voice.

"We don't know" Callum said softly.

"Will someone get two cold wash cloths please, she has a fever. Another one of you get Tylenol." No one said anything they just scrambled around in utter shock. As Luca and Monte rushed to get everything together Callum and Greyson stood by her side.

Luca went to the bathroom and soaked up two cold wash cloths when Adam walked in.

"What's all the commotion?" Adam asked Luca.

"There's a girl." Luca stayed.

"A what?"

"A girl."

"Where?" Adam was obviously very confused but they all were.

"In Greyson and Callum's room. She's sick." Luca said beginning to leave the bathroom since the wash cloths were soaked.

Adam merely followed behind Luca as they walked into the bedroom. Adam was stunned just like the rest were and merely stared at the girl.

Monte then came in with the Tylenol.

Callum grabbed it from him and poured it in a cup placing it on the night stand beside the bed. He gently sat the girl up and sat behind her to let her lay on his chest. He gently shook her trying get her to wake up.

"Wake up baby girl you need medicine" he said softly and she merely groaned in response affecting all of the men as they stiffened in place.

Callum let out a deep breath and picked up the medicine while gently shaking her again.

"Have some Tylenol Princess" he spoke again and placed it against her mouth. Her lips parted ever so slightly but he knew that she understood him and slowly let her sip from the tiny cup. When she was done she went right back to sleep they all stared as she uttered out two softly spoken words.

"Thank you."

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