The Sleepwalkers

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My family is very average. I’m the youngest of 3 and my parents are the most boring people you’ll meet. We live in a suburban town - also boring. The only thing exciting is that for generations my family have been sleepwalkers.

We can do amazing things. My grandma could cook and clean and my parents can write. For us, sleepwalking is like a switch that turns on when you’re 17. I’m 16 and my birthday is in 2 days. It’s a big deal for us to turn 17 and we view every age as a “countdown”.

Every night my family leaves the house. Single file and straight out the front door. I’ve never followed them but my birthday is coming up so I might as well see what I’m getting into. It’s now the day before my birthday, I’ve decided to go out with them tonight. I stayed up and at 2:00 am I heard my brothers door unlock. It’s time.

I got up and unlocked my door and walked like a zombie straight behind them. My dad first and then my mom, and then my sister, my brother and me. We went outside and walked on the center of the street. I followed my family to a house a few miles away. It was now just about 3:00 and we entered the house. Inside, I saw pictures of a family. The dad in the picture was my dads boss who fired him a few days ago. They got into a huge argument and now I’m worried.

It didn’t feel right but curiousity got the better of me. So I followed them upstairs into the master bedroom. In the bed lay my dads boss and his wife. On each corner of the bed stood my family, I was frozen in the doorway.

Silently, my dad, mom, sister and brother pulled out our kitchen knives and slit their throats.

I sprinted home. I didn’t know if I was guilty by association or if someone would think I’m a part of this. I got to my house and locked the door and got into bed. The only thing that could save me now is sleep.

I woke up on my birthday, still terrified. I don’t know why they kill, or why my dads boss was the target. I guess you kill people you hate which made me nervous because I hate my family for what they did.

I went downstairs to get water and when I walked into the kitchen, every member of my family was draped over the chairs with bloody shirts and a gash on their throats. I look down on my hands and I’m holding a huge bloody kitchen knife.


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