Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

It took a couple of weeks for William to fully recover but he seemed like a changed man. Though he still remained playfully flirtatious there was a an unspoken understanding when he glanced in Roses' way who still preferred to keep to herself. Despite their quite glances, Rose was rather happier than before, picking up on the subtle changes that showed his consideration and thought. Perhaps this marriage was salvageable and that God was merciful. There would be hope to come.

"An announcement party?" Rose murmured as she looked at both Charlotte and grandmother Fanny.

"Well of course. Though your wedding wasn't quite as much of an extravaganza as perhaps one might have hoped for, news of pregnancy should be celebrated." Charlotte said with a beaming smile.

Rose had always preferred privacy. But she didn't have it in her heart to reject her sister in law's goodwill and so she simply nodded.

"Are you quite sure about this Rose? I can always tell Charlotte to shut up with her incessant meddling. This is between us after all, and not her." William spoke as he accompanied her back to their room.

"I don't think it'll harm anyone but thank you for your concern," she said looking up at William. It was the first time she had really noticed the emeralds of his eyes - as fresh and clear as grass itself. He looked like he wanted to say something more but Rose excused herself.

Their relationship was in a strange state of undeclared tension. Her heart was only opening ever so slowly. But she was making an effort to be kinder toward him so long as he compromised by being more understanding and less childish. She was glad that he did have the ability to correct himself and change for the better. Even if it were slow, progress was progress. Though all seemed to be well, there was always something in the back of her head that told her to be wary. He could just be like her father and that in itself gave her a headache.

She knew though in time it would be too difficult to hide her pregnancy to the public and well, there was nothing else she could stop. She'd have a child, the rumors would continue. At least she was married and to publicly declared as a disgrace was no longer possible. In terms of reputation, she was a proper lady who had wed into a very well to do house. Yet beneath the surface of societal pretext, she wasn't in love - she wasn't ecstatic like the other silly girls from the ton. Perhaps she had always been too much of a realist. Or at least, too self absorbed into her own world which had been uncomfortably trespassed upon.

By the time evening came, she was dressed up in the finest of clothes. Tonight was the night of the announcement which Charlotte had worked so hard to prepare. She silently took William's arm, dreading the night as she had preferred to confine herself in her own thoughts.

"Say, Rose, are you happy?" Susan had boldly ignored her mother's strict demands ever since she had gotten engaged. Sadly it wasn't to George she had long pined over but nevertheless, she still seemed to have mellowed out with her arrangements.

"I am content." She said quietly as the pair spoke in the shadows, away from the boisterous loudness of the party.

"Oh you look like you've walked through hell and back," Susan said as she grabbed Roses hands, holding them as she looked at her friend with much comfort.

"I might have, oh what more does it matter, it's been so difficult Susan," Rose could no longer compose her stiff facade any longer as she felt tears streaming down her face.

And it was then that Susan held her in the tightest of embraces before rubbing the tears off of her dear friends face. "You're married to one of the most sought after men - you shouldn't be miserable Rose dear."

"But I don't think I love him." Yet.

William had been adjusting better than he had even expected. Though his friends were still discussing whichever lasses they were bedding, he just wasn't interested. The old William would have gladly joined in on such a shameless conversation but he was different now. Things were different. He had Rose - all he needed was Rose. They teased him for it but he ignored their jokes. He couldn't help but look for her everywhere throughout all evening. She had stirred feelings within him that he had never really cared for until now. Just as he found her with her friend, he approached her just long enough to catch wind of their conversation. But I don't think I love him.

It stung.

Such careless words had hurt him more than he had expected. Rather than confronting her then and there, he turned for the closest corner and left instead. His mood had turned dismal and he even rejected his friends who attempted to lighten up. He wanted this party to be over more than anyone. And though Charlotte had made her rounds around in attempts to bring good cheer to both parties, neither seemed rather excited for her celebration.

And so it ended with a rather bleak turn out.

William was still sulking by evening when Rose had finally decided to join him for bed. Such hurtful words were consuming his soul with each passing second. It occupied his mind like a parasite, gnawing at his thoughts without mercy.

"Why did you tell Susan what you did?" He asked breaking the silence. He watched Rose turn to face him with puzzlement.

"Tell her what?"

"That you ... you don't think you can love me."

Rose swallowed, staring at him in silence before speaking up. "Because I haven't fallen in love with you."

"Why can't you?" He rebutted back, clearly hurt as his eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

"Time, I need more time William," she murmured, calling his name. It was unfamiliar on her tongue, she hadn't used it ever ... not until now.

"I have waited and I don't understand. What else more could you want?" His impatience was showing and so was his childishness. He was receding back toward where he had started, reckless and temperamental.

"What else?" The stormy grey in her eyes seemed to start brewing again.

"I've given you everything!"

"You've given me nothing but a child, a lost reputation, a shattered future!" She fought back knowing that she was only harboring the ill will. He had given her smiles and laughs in the past days but she was too stubborn pig headed to back down from her pride.

William couldn't hold his tongue as he clenched his fist. "If that's what you think then you can leave. Why even stay!?"

He didn't mean what he said but Rose was an adamant person who took his words seriously. The girl climbed out of bed but before slamming the door, she looked at him once more.

"I'll leave. You can continue onward with your life as if I never existed."

And once again, William was left again in his bed cold, empty and alone. And he hated himself again for being an arse. But he didn't follow after her either.

A/N: It ain't gonna be easy for them but hey, we're all here for the ride lol. Thanks again for the kind wishes, feeling much better though, still swamped with catching up on homework. As usual, comment, vote etc. Perhaps with enough support / interest, I can get the next chapter up asap! 

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