Part 6

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Its summer and our parents took a trip like they always do, which means they'll be gone the entire time and I'm not complaining especially after telling Lauren how I really feel. I planned on not leaving my room unless I needed to and whenever I knew Lauren left

I was starting to get bored so I was gonna leave and hang with Dinah and mani. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw the worst sight possible

Lauren was kissing lucy

She quickly looked up when she heard me 

"I'm leaving so...I-I'll see you" I said with a shaky voice

"camila wa-" she tried saying but I closed the door before she could finish

I quickly pulled out of the driveway and drove to the park. I parked my car and just started crying. I thought maybe by telling her, things will get better. clearly I just drove her straight into Lucy's arms and I can't handle it.

I must've been sitting in my car for a while because when I finally looked up it was dark out so I figured I would go home.

I just hope lauren is asleep

"can I ever be right just once" I thought to myself

When I pulled up in the driveway I saw the porch light on, which meant she was awake and waiting for me

What was I gonna say, what can I say. we haven't spoken since I confessed my feeling for her.

I got myself into this mess, I gotta get myself out of it.

I walked into my house and immediately heard lauren talking to someone 

"Alright thanks dinah. call me if she texts you" i overheard her say

might as well put her mind at rest

"there's no need, I'm here" I said, she jumped clearly not expecting me

Before I could go to my room I was wrapped in a hug and just as quick as it came it left and was replaced by a punch to the arm

"OW WHAT THE HELL" I said in pain

"DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN" she yelled back

her anger was quickly replaced by tears

"I was so worried" she said barley above a whisper

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you" I said quietly

we hugged for what felt like forever

but I quickly remembered what got us here in the first place 

"I'm tired goodnight" I said while running upstairs to my room

As soon as I laid down I started crying

Is this all I deserve. constant pain, and hurt.


I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing

I turned over and saw it was Dinah but I was too tired to answer it, so I ignored it and went back to sleep

I was quickly awoken by a loud banging on my door, so I got up to find a very angry looking Dinah standing on the other side. 

"why the hell did you not- wait, please tell me that you weren't crying all night" she asked

I figured my eyes were red so there was no point in lying, so I just looked at her in defeat

"why have you been crying" she asked quietly

"I told her. I was walking downstairs when I heard Lucy and she was like "forgive me I love you", so naturally Lauren forgave her. I went to my room and started crying and singing, she then came up and I was like you forgave her and she said "I agreed to one date" and then I yelled and was like it doesn't matter you always forgive and choose her no matter what because I'm your sister and that's all I'll ever be, and I also yelled that I'm in love with her and then I pushed her out and went to sleep. a few days later I got bored in my room and I thought she was gone so I went downstairs to leave and I saw to her kissing Lucy in the kitchen so I went to the park and cried all day, then  I came home and now I'm here, with you..... and that's what you missed on GLEE!" I tried to make light of the situation but there was no use.

"Oh" was all she could get out

"yeah" I said back

we sat there in silence until I heard another knock on my door

I got up to see who it was and came face to face with Lauren

"Um I'm going out...with..a..friend" she stuttered

"I don't fucking care. I know, just say it. You're going out with that fucking bitch" I said harshly

"I'm sorry I didn't want to upset you" she said barley above a whisper

"Don't even act like you care about my feelings because if you did, you wouldn't have ever given her a second chance. So fuck you, and don't come crying to me when she hurts you AGAIN!" I yelled while slamming my door in her face 

As soon as I turned around I fell against the door and started crying 

"I can't d-do this Dj. I-I-it hurts t-too much" I said while sobbing

"I'm here. Mila it will get better. I promise" she said


Dinah's POV

I need to do something. I hate seeing my best friend so upset.

Lauren needs some sense knocked her

and thats exactly what I planned on doing 

When camila finally fell asleep I snuck downstairs to talk with Lauren

"Lauren, as much as I wanna give you a poly beat down right now, I know camila will kill me. So let's talk" I said nonchalantly 

"U-u-uh o-ok" she said clearly terrified that I'll kick her ass

so we went to the kitchen and sat at the table

"ok, so we need to talk about camila. She has..recently...dropped a bomb on you, so to speak, and then you turn around and get back with Lucy. She's really upset and she didn't mean what she said earlier. she's just...she just doesn't know what to do" I said 

"I don't even like Lucy, ok" she said

"Wait? what?" I asked completely shocked by what she just said

"I've liked camila for...sometime now but I knew I could never be with her because...she's my sister. When Lucy came along and said she liked me I thought it was perfect, exactly what I needed to get my mind off of camila but I kept finding myself thinking about her so I would always "breakdown and cry" over lucy, but in all honesty I didn't care she cheated because I didn't even like her. Then camila snapped and got mad about me crying to her. It upset me because that was the only time she held me in her arms and it wasn't "weird". I figured maybe by her being mad at me these feeling would go away, then I found out she liked me and I didn't know what to do. I honestly thought she was just messing with me so I went out with lucy" she explained 

"Well why don't you tell camila this" I asked hesitantly

"well because there was never really a good time. We've either been mad at each other or she was ignoring me so I couldn't, and right now I have to go on this date with lucy and trust me I don't want to, but I have to so I can clear things up. I don't want to start something with camila if I'm still tied to people who will ruin us" She said

"OK, I understand. Just don't wait too long. you don't wanna miss your chance" I said 

If only she was quicker

maybe it would have never happened

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