Chapter 7

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Bella laid in bed while it was still the morning. She had a lot to think about. Her future lies with what ever decision she makes. She loves Justin so much, it'll be heartbreaking to let him go. She heard a soft knock on the door. It was Justin.

She smiled a little. "Hey." She said. He smiled. "Hi baby." He said. He came over to her bed and kissed her. "I'm just thinking about things." She told him. He nodded. "Things such as stay with me either in LA or Macedonia. I know I've been destined to become a king but somehow....that's what everyone been saying. I need to know for sure if its the right path for me." He said. She nodded in agreement. "I totally agree. Its your decision and whatever it is, I'll support it." She said. He smiled and they kissed passionately. "But at the same time, I wanna be with you." She said. He sighed.

"Are you sure? What about Simone and the others?" He asked. She huffed.

"Simone has to respect my decision. We're not babies anymore, it's my decision if I want a life with you." She said. He smiled and caressed her cheek.

"How did I get so lucky to have a girl like you?" He asked. Bella just laughed and kissed his lips. "Least you got more days and weeks to think about it." She said.

Justin scoffed. "I won't have to just think about it. I can explore everywhere around here to figure out my decision." He said.

Bella smirked. "How about a night on the town?" She said. Justin smirked deviously and playfully spun her around. She laughed and wrapped her arms around him. Little did they know that Patch was listening from their window.

'I should probably keep an eye on these two and get Atticus involved." He thought.

Later on, the happy couple went out on a night in California. They stopped at a restaurant to get something to eat.

Atticus and Patch used their power to be invisible to spy on them. Its obvious they had to keep track of their mission.

"Seriously, I wish I knew your parents if Prince Justin proposed to me." Bella joked. Justin chuckled. "I would marry you. As a king, you be my Queen." He said.

"And as a prince, I be your princess." She said. He smiled as if him and her could be royalty. Patch used his hearing to hear their conversation. "What are they saying?" Atticus asked. "Joking about being king and queen." He said.

'Justin must be figuring out his path now.' Atticus thought. "Have you always came here? I really like it." Bella said.

He nodded. "Yup mostly with my mom and a few friends." He said. She looked at a male singer singing on the small stage.

Justin looked at her. "That's where people do open mic nights. Its pretty cool." He said. Bella smirked. "Have you done mic nights?" She asked. Justin choked a bit on his food. "What?" He said. Atticus slightly chuckled. "You heard me. Cmon, you sing so good." She said. Justin smiled that somebody actually loved his voice.

He playfully rolled his eyes. "Have you always had a thing for singers?" He joked.

Bella playfully threw a pepperoni at him.

He chuckled. "No. I love music. I been singing since I was 6. My life's about the music. I sung different songs from artists and written some in my songbook. I'm also a studio dancer. I joined a dance class when I was 10. I even been in gymnastics from 8 to 13 years old." She said. His jaw dropped. He was blown away by how artistic Bella is.

"That's literally amazing. Are you still in gymnastics?" He said. She nodded her head no. "Not anymore. I still dance though. Being here is where a star is. At the same time, I want you apart of that journey with me." She said, holding his hand. Outside, Atticus and Patch were still listening. "I always knew Bella wanted to be a star. But if Justin and her stay here, she'll become one. Simone also wants to be an actress." He said. Patch looked at him in shock. "Really? I thought she's worried about her being in Macedonia?" He said. "Guess she is." Atticus said.

Bella's jaw dropped. "You been singing since 5? And you learned to bang drums at 2 years old?" She said. Justin smiled.

"I'm self-taught. My dad also taught me to play guitar before he left." He said.

"Wow. I'm surprised no one has taken notice of you." She said. Justin chuckled.

"Actually somebody. He's been calling me and wants to come talk. Maybe about a...record deal." He said. Bella instantly smiled widely and hugged him. Justin laughed.

But her smile faded. "Jay, you really have a decision. Be a king...or an artist." She said. He nodded in understanding.

"I know. We'll get through this." He said. She cupped his face with her hands.

"You just need a time alone. Think about what your heart's been longing for." She advised. Justin looked down. He knew Bella was indeed right about his two choices. "She's right." Atticus said.

"We better stick with him once he figures it out." Patch said. He nodded in agreement and disappeared back to the house.

Meanwhile, Justin and Bella came home from their night out. Everybody was just getting ready to sleep. She was in the bathroom, preparing for bed. She noticed another figure in the mirror. She saw Simone standing near the bathroom door.

"I love you. You're my sister and I'll always support you. Its just I don't wanna be apart from you." Simone said. She put her hands on her shoulder. "You don't have to. You could stay here too. We'll never be apart. You said you wanted to be an actress, well this is your chance." She said. She took a deep breath.

"But Justin has the decision. If he're gonna have to say goodbye." She whispered. Suddenly, Bella's eyes welled up with tears. She knew how much she felt about Justin.

"I don't want to." She cried. Simone grappled her in her arms as she cried silently.

In some other place in the house...

Justin couldn't sleep in bed. Thoughts ran through his head. Atticus and Patch slept in bed. He love Bella and he also loved music as she does. With a manager who noticed his talent and himself destined to be king, a choice has got to be made.

Just like Bella said, go for what your heart longs for. He slowly got out of bed and walked out. Patch suddenly woken up by the sound of his footsteps. "Where is he going?" He whispered. He got up from bed and carefully hopped off. He began following him and tried to not wake up Atticus. Atticus felt his presence leaving. He slowly woke up. "Patch?" He whispered. He rolled out of bed and started following him as well.

The two quietly followed Justin but stayed behind. Justin came into a dark room no one hasn't been to. Atticus patted Patch's head.

"What's he doing?" He whispered. Atticus shrugged. "It must be something important." He whispered. He turned on the light and there was stuff they didn't know he had. A big set of drums, a black guitar, piano and a mic stand. "This must be where he makes music." Atticus whispered. Justin huffed as he just heard Atticus's voice. "I know you're there Atticus." He said. He smiled nervously.

"Yup, that was me." He said. Patch barked because he can't freak him out talking.

"What is the place? I never been here for a long time. And why you and Bella stayed over here?" Atticus asked. He sighed.

"She wanted to spend more time with Simone and the girls. Me? I wanna find out where I truly belong." He said, voice filled with sadness. Atticus patted his shoulder.

"Justin, remember what I said about being different? It meant there's something about you that's special. Anything that's inside of you." He said. "Just go for what your heart desires the most." He advised. Justin began thinking for a minute.

Atticus and Bella are right on both advices. Yes, he can become an artist but depends if your heart longs for it.

"All my life my mom taught me how to be a good leader. People are happy if I'm happy, they're sad if I'm sad." He suddenly stopped and his brain clicked.

His jaw dropped. Atticus and Patch looked at him. "You ok Justin?" Atticus asked. He got up from a chair. 'I think he knows what he wants now.' Patch thought. "I'll be right back!" Justin said. He ran out of the room.

"Where he's going?" Patch said. Atticus smirked. "I feel like I do. But we should get some sleep." He said. He barked and went back to their bedroom. It's true.

Justin has finally figured out his path. But tomorrow is a mystery.

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