Betting Man + a r t

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A/N: Artwork for this chapter is at the end!

"Get on that fucking horse." The command is a whip, jarring in the unsettling quiet that suffocates the Commons.

"Sam," Galya murmurs at Sam's side, Alicia watching the whole ordeal with a raised brow. Sam's hand shakes as she rubs at her temple, the dark circles under her eyes not doing anything to reassure Alicia that this journey will be a success. "He doesn't want to go." The boy trembles beneath Sam's gaze, unable to look at her.

"None of us want to go, Galya, but no one is volunteering."

Alicia glances at the people around her. The people of the Commons have gathered in the mud of the street, waiting for someone to save them. Many believe this is the end of days, many believe that nothing they do will stop this. The gods have forsaken them. Alicia doesn't care for the gods but she does care for innocent lives.

Oliver lights a cigarette and inhales deeply before blowing the smoke to the sky, somehow unaffected by the scene before him, thumb tracing over the golden pocket watch in his palm, always looking at the time, knowing every second is one closer to the Greys reaching their walls.

She's reminded of their conversation the other day and how he hasn't made an effort to hide how he now stares at her. He looks at her like he's trying to unravel her, pull apart her pieces and inspect every piece until he understands it. Alicia revealed too much, she let him peek at her hand and now he wants to see more.

But it worked, she can't find it within herself to regret it.

Many people watch the three of them—Sam, Galya, and Oliver—but none want to travel beyond the walls towards the herd that advances with each breath taken.

"When did you all become such cowards?" Sam steps forward, away from the calm of Galya. "We're exiles, we were sent out here to die, and now you're afraid of death? How many times have you cheated death? How many times has the Reaper ran away from you?"

"This is how we save the Commons," Galya speaks up, eyes steadily watching Sam as she addresses the people. "This is how we keep our home safe. If we do nothing, then we all die. None of you are the type of people who sit and watch others fight for you. So, who's going to help save the only home they have anymore?"

"I'll go," Alicia calls, the words nearly getting stuck in her throat but she forces them out. She wanted to lead the Greys away from the Commons and the capital, so she may as well be part of it. She pushes through the crowd, straightening her shoulders as many turn to look at her. "I'll help in whatever way I can."

Sam studies her for a long moment, the events of the last time Alicia was beyond the Commons with her flashing within the princess' eyes. Alicia's hesitation nearly got the woman killed and she's not going to forget such a slight any time soon. But Sam still nods, giving Alicia her blessing.

Alicia goes to Oliver who picks up one of the rifles leaning against the cart and offers it to her. Alicia hesitates for long enough that he raises a brow. Sighing, she takes the rifle, the weight foreign, yet familiar.

"You load the bullets—" he begins but Alicia's jaw tenses as she cocks the lever-action rifle before aiming down the sight, leaning her shoulder into it, getting a feel for the weapon as it's been years since she last held one. "You've shot before."

Alicia glances at Oliver, lowering the weapon. "Every girl with two older brothers partly raised on a farm learns how to shoot bottles off a fence. It's how I earned my lunch money until they figured out to stop betting against me."

The smile that stretches across his lips lights a spark in his eyes that has heat blooming in Alicia's chest. "I won't make a habit of betting against you then."

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