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The weeks passed, and it was finally time to go. Captain Metcalfe made the rounds at the domes and spoke with Melon for the last time. To his surprise, Melon was not in a container! "Melon, are you sure you should be doing this? I mean, it is academic now, but what convinced you consider such a thing?"

"Your medical people. They were sure there would be no problems. I have been out of the container for two days now. I am fine. I find you are going back now to save clan members on your home world. I wish you good hunting Captain Metcalfe."

"Thank you. You and your clan have been very helpful and generous to us. I will not forget what the Te'Hat has done for our people. It will be a long time before my return. Do not forget me."

"Your name is already in our written history. No Te'Hat will forget you!"

"Well, I didn't expect that! I am flattered. Be well, Melon. The clan is well within your claws." He used the honored compliment on this occasion as he bowed to the representative to the Sce'Rood.

"And the humans are safe in your hands as well Captain Metcalfe. Be well." He raised his third leg in parting as he went with a group of people which were escorting him.

The captain personally made sure the domes had everything they needed. Each dome had a warehouse to store supplies and protection for vehicles and equipment. All told, they would be leaving behind about two hundred thousand humans to fend for themselves on this planet. They had the mining colonies on both moons, the Intrepid and the Valiant plus their crews, and a couple thousand on the permanent Searth colony. In the worst-case scenario, the colonists could bug out to the orbiting ships until the Atlantis and Wanderer returned. Levi also wanted to make sure the two ships had everything they needed. Mining in the system would supply them with everything they needed. However, some things are difficult to procure. So as a parting gift to the two ships left behind, he let them borrow some strategic vessels and equipment the Atlantis already had in surplus.

Since the other captains were enhanced, it was easier to coordinate all those efforts. Many times, he would hold a four-way conference in his mind when they needed to discuss the overall execution of plans. He often thought consortium meetings would be much shorter if the members were enhanced.

Levi caught a ride back to the Atlantis. He needed to check in with the Admiral before departure. Levi felt so at home on his ship. He was always glad to return to her. Sonny indicated Admiral Johnson was headed for dinner at a local restaurant. Levi called Leo and told him he would be joining him for dinner. At the restaurant, he spotted Leo and sat down at his table. "So, how is it going?"

"Getting it done Captain. Have you seen the diplomatic squadron lately?"

"Yes, I have. They have made it their mission to become the resident experts on the Te'Hat. They even put sensors on the Te'Hat to study them in their burrows and have learned a lot."

Leo was enthusiastic. "Yes, and their formal education on respecting other cultures and language barriers have been carried out by Alice. We left Earth on a colonizing mission. We did not anticipate diplomacy with the locals. Alice had done her historical research on Earth diplomacy and put together a training program. It seems to be working out well. I am not aware of any incidents concerning the Te'Hat."

After the admiral had finished dinner, they sat back and had some coffee. Levi looked over his coffee cup at his old friend. "So, you will be the king of Searth while I'm away. Will you have any trouble with the two princes?"

"Captains Williams and Schmidt? No. We have a good professional relationship and Ironed out all the duties and responsibilities. There won't be any problems."

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