Chapter 21

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Ashley's POV

I woke up the next morning. I stood up and went straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After brushing my teeth, I took my bath. When I was done, I went to the closet to pick some cloth to wear.

After this, I'm going straight to Chase to ask him when he's going to tell me where his parents are. I don't know why I'm being so curious to know. But I want to know.

I decided to wear skinny jeans with a plain black top that I tug in. I went out of my room and went straight to the kitchen.

I'm really hungry right now. I will just talk to Chase later. I got in the kitchen to see Mason eating Nutella with bread.

"Good morning Mason." I greeted.

"Good morning lil sis." I rolled my eyes at him and went to the fridge. I settled on making toasted bread. I took out everything I need and started putting butter on my bread. I put it in the toaster waiting for it to jump up.

I took out my toast when it was done and ate it in silence with the tea I made. I decided to go to Chase's room which i found out was just next to my room, apparently.

I went up the stairs and to his room. I knocked and I heard no reply. I knocked again and still, nothing. I tried to open the door but it's locked.

I went back downstairs to meet Mason sitting on the couch and typing on his phone.

"Hey, Mason."


"Do you know where Chase is?"

"Oh yeah. He went out to deal with some......... business."  Okay didn't know Chase works.


"I'm sure you're going to meet him at the party tonight."


"Yeah. No one told you there's a party tonight?"

"Yes, no one."

"Well," He shrugs starring back at his phone "...there's a party tonight and you and Michelle are invited."

"I'm sorry but I don't go to par-" I was cut off with my phone ringing. I took it out of my pocket and answered it.

"Hello?" I heard a loud squeal from the other side. I quickly put my phone a bit far away from my ears. I'm certainly sure that was Michelle. I put the phone back on my ear.

"What was that for?" I asked, shocked.

"We are invited to a party." I wonder who told her.

"Who told you?"

"Ace!!!" I should have known. I started climbing back to my room. Once I reach my room I got in and locked it.

"You can go. I'm not going."

"Why? it's going to be fun."

"With drunk people around and sweaty bodies of course it's going to be fun." I rolled my eyes.

"Please, just come for me. You know you're my only friend. Please?"

"I said no, Michelle. You can come to Chase's house so we can play while they're not around."

"It will be my first time going to a party with you. Plus you're not with your grumpy uncle that wouldn't let you go. Come and have fun with me. You are free now. Please?" She's right I haven't experience being at a party before and Chase is going to be there. Why do I even care if he's there or not? But I don't have nice clothes.

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