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It was six in the evening now. There was a pretty dress, heels and accessories bought especially for my meeting with The Kings by my father in my closet. Martha, our all time makeup artist will be here any minute now to dress me up. And I didn't even make a move. I didn't even freshen up.

My eyes were still red and puffy. Dried tears marred my cheeks. I lay back on my bed staring blankly at the ceiling.

A knock was heard. I didn't reply. Someone opened the door.

"Babe?" It was Martha.

I heard her sigh and her footsteps approaching towards my bed.

"Come on, Elle. It's just a meeting. What could go wrong?"

I looked at her incredulously.

"What could go wrong?" I almost yelled. "What couldn't possibly go wrong is the question!"

"I don't know what to say Elle. You have to dress up and meet them. There is no way you can dodge this."

I turned on my bed facing away from her.

Martha slightly touchedmy shoulders and continued, "They will be here at seven, Elle. We just have fourty-five minutes to get you ready. Just go through this dinner and we will have a girls night to cheer you up and figure out everything."

Five years of knowing Martha, we were very close. And I smiled at her attempt to soothe me.

But I knew there is nothing to figure out. My fate was set. And I knew I can't sit here all day.

Shaking my head, I went to the bathroom and freshened up.

Martha curled my hair to create a wave, did a simple makeup and I changed into a light peach knee length sleeve less dress and slipped on my heels.

"Now all you need is a smile on that beautiful face" said Martha.

"Never" I replied my face void.

Martha squeezed my hands as her smile fell hearing my reply and whispered a good luck.

I could hear the chatter downstairs.

The Kings were here.

As I made my way down the stairs I saw Luke my second oldest brother coming towards the stairs.

"Luke!" I almost yelled and jumped into his arms.

He held me tight and whispered "Hai beautiful."

"Take me away Luke" I whispered holding onto him as tight as I could.

He didn't reply. He drew back to look at my face and gave me a sad smile.

"Come on now. They are asking for you."

He didn't even try to give me a false hope.

Entering the dining hall my parents along with The Kings were seated on the table.

On one glance I could see that it was just Mr and Mrs King and that their son wasn't here.

"Ah! And there's my beautiful daughter" exclaimed Papa. "Elle, meet Mr and Mrs King"

"Hello." I said timidly.

"Its so nice to meet you, Elle. My son is indeed very lucky." Gushed Mrs King as she embraced me warmly.

"Hello, Elle." Greeted Mr Knight.

"Hello, Mr Knight" I replied with a small smile.

Looking at him, I could see his face set on a smile but that distinct coldness in his eyes were noticeable.

"I am sure you had make a great wife to my son, won't you darling?" Mr Knight questioned.

I so badly wanted to reply with a never.

But the dominating aura around him and the almost challenging look on his to eyes defy him made me meekly nod.

He seemed satisfied as his eyes suddenly lost that challenging look and was replaced with a bit of warmth and he patted my hands.

I sat next to Mrs. Knight as the food was served for everyone.

As we began eating, the fact that my infamous husband-to-be wasn't here was nagging my subconscious mind. I know I should be relieved, but we are supposed to get married and it's necessary that we at least know each other's face!

As if on cue, Mr. Knight began, "Damien unfortunately couldn't make it today as he had some urgent work that couldn't be postponed. But Elle, he definitely wants to meet you some other day."

My stomach churned. Atleast if Damien was here right now I would have had my family around me. But meeting him all alone made everything hundred times worse!

After finishing dinner, everyone headed to the main sitting area as tea and coffee was served to everyone.

Thanking the maid I sat back next to Luke with my tea.

Everyone was talking about anything and everything. Both the families seemed to be warm with each other. I mused. I was the odd one out here.

I could see mum and Mrs. King conversing happily while trying to include me as well, but I politely avoided them. Papa and my brothers were talking business while Mr. King excused himself in between and was talking with someone on phone.

I was bored. I wanted to get out of here. But it would seem impolite. Papa wouldn't be happy.

So I sat there thinking about my miserable future.

"Elle." It was Mr.king.


"Damien would like to have a word with you." He said with a small smile extending the phone to me.

I was shook. What? Why does he want to talk? Talk about what? I had nothing to say! I do not want to talk with that monster!

But everyone was looking at me expectantly. To pick up the phone. To speak with Damien.

I reluctantly took the phone from Mr.Knight and headed out of the hall as I placed the phone on my ear.

Mustering every bit of courage, "Hello?" I said softly.


His voice was rich and strong.

"I couldn't make it today. I hope you are not disappointed."

No apology whatsoever. Hm.

"It's okay"

"Lets meet then. I would like to see my wife," Not yet! I wanted to scream. "The Italian cafe around your house. Breakfast at 9."

It wasn't a suggestion or a question. It was a command.

And I had no choice.


The phone went dead.


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