ii. - the confidante

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I had never seen this happen before. I have never seen them act so savage towards a human. Sure, we weren't human ourselves but I would expect just a little bit of manners from them after the years that I've known them.

The only two who seemed to understand my point of view on this was Hyunjin and Jeongin, Jeongin especially when he first came to us and was scared.

He had no idea why his heart wouldn't beat,'What's wrong with me?!' He had screeched at the top of his lungs,'Is this what death is?!'

I remember feeling pity for him, because of the terror in his voice and how he sounded like he would rather descend into nothingness than live an afterlife on Earth. He wouldn't stop clutching his chest for the first year, expecting to feel something.

He was one of the rare ones who could actually sleep somehow and when he did, he slept for days on end..but during the first year, he would wake up within two hours, clutching his chest while cold sweat dripped down his face and tears spilled from his eyes.

I was the only one who would give him the time of day during that time. Everyone else found him annoying, especially Seungmin whom hated adding him to our clan in the first place during the first week,'He's too young, too gullible, too naïve,' he said with a disgusted look on his face,'He's too much trouble.'

Everyone had been silent. But I had been silent for too long. The Silencer couldn't silence me anymore. 'He's only a child, Seungmin..he won't survive without us.'

Seungmin looked at me with bloodlust, like if I still had blood flowing through my system, he would slice me open and drink every ounce out of me then and there,'Minho, he's a threat.'

'So are you but we let you stay.'

His crimson red eyes, the most intense red of all nine of us, turned dull,'You knew I was an important asset to the clan..' he glared at Jeongin, causing Jeongin to cower down,'This brat is nothing but helpless and useless.'

I bit my bottom lip,'And you're a brat who's heartless.'

'That's 'cause my heart stopped beating a long time ago.'

I stared him in the eyes for about ten seconds, not even glowering down for a single half-second, until he growled,'Fine..' he suddenly pushed Jeongin over until he fell onto the floor,'but if he doesn't prove himself worthy of our clan..I'll make him leave.'

Jeongin eventually got too stressed over impressing Seungmin..I just wished that someone had told him that there was no way of making him even the slightest bit amazed.

The only things that gave Seungmin excitement were innocent blood spilt or standing over the dead body of someone who had done him wrong.

After a whole year, Jeongin had finally gotten used to his non-existent heart and the never-ending energy and we had made him our newsboy. What did we need a newsboy for exactly? Latest trends, cultural changes...the girl we had all seen in visions ever since Jeongin had shown up at our doorstep.

We all thought we had been going crazy at first but then we found out everyone was having them, the most being Jeongin.

That's what had first made him wake up within two hours the first year, he told me he had visions about the girl being in trouble and that he had to save her but couldn't in time. That's what we needed a newsboy for the most..to figure out who this girl was and why she clouded our thoughts.

Jeongin saw her almost every night but had only gotten her to see him for almost two weeks now..something none of us had been able to do willingly.

I knew that he worried about her, about these visions that each of us gave her. He had seen her fear, we all had at least once. But he saw it the most. He saw her tear-filled eyes and her cowering stance every single night.

He told me I was the only one he told about how much he worried for her. He said that I was his friend, his best one at that..but I liked to call myself his best confidante.

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