For the Sake of our Relationship

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"When you say 'now', do you mean like at this very moment or in a few hours?" She asked, standing up. "I honestly don't mind going right now, I just need to check if it's fine to visit."

I stood up with her and looked at her in confusion. "When is it not fine to visit?"

"For security reasons, visitation hours is kind of restricted in that town."

"But you're the Beta Female, you can go in whenever you want. Right?" I asked, shaking my head.

"Yes, I can. But I can't bring in a non-pack member outside visitation hours." She explained with a sigh. "Give me a second, I'll contact one of the guards right now."

Her gaze became unfocused as she mind-linked a fellow pack member of hers. She sighed and her expression became frustrated as each second passed. 

"Oh, come on!" She exclaimed out loud, throwing her hands in the air. Her eyes came into focus as her gaze landed on me. 


"Visitation hours already ended, and they aren't willing to bend the rules."

My shoulders slumped in disappointed as I let out a sigh. I really wanted to get everything done today, but it seemed like fate wanted to take things slow. This is reality.

"Looks like we'll have to go tomorrow. Do you have anything on schedule?" I asked anxiously. I knew I couldn't expect someone of her rank to be free all the time. 

"Luckily for you, tomorrow is my day off." She responded to my delight. "I'm so down to help you, but...don't you know what day it is tomorrow?"

I frowned at her and thought hard. "Tomorrow?"

"Jay's graduation!"

"Oh, shit." I blurted, feeling bewildered that I'd forgotten about it. "I totally forgot. How do you know about it?"

"Jay told Julian and I at the party. We've arranged a set of security to escort the both of you to the graduation."

I blinked at her and smiled. "That's fine, all we needed was permission not security."

She shrugged, giving me a sheepish smile. "Sorry, it's the policy. You're under our protection until Theo officially lets you go. If something was to happen to any of you, then it'd be our fault."

I nodded at that, understanding their actions. Better safe then sorry. It looked like I had to put my plan on pause, just for now. 

She gave me a once over, really taking me in. "I can't believe I didn't get it before, you are so Alpha material."

I laughed and shook my head. "Don't worry, I didn't realise it myself."

"Once you clear you father's name, are you planning on leading your pack?" She asked, her demeanour becoming serious.

"Um, I feel like it's the right thing to do." I replied, choosing my words carefully. 

"I wouldn't want to leave them leaderless, when I can be their leader. Once I clear Alex's name, the other leaders will have to give me the territory, power and money the pack used to have. Then I'll be able to lead them, and make them proud to be apart of The MoonKnight Pack like they used to be."

Leona watched me for a few good seconds before hugging me. "I think you'll be a great leader."

I hugged her back, just as tightly, and said, "Thank you."

We separated and left the room to leave the house. "Are we going back to the Alpha Manor?" She asked, locking the front door and walking towards her car. "Is that fine?"

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