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Heyu jelllies. I realize looking back that this fic is going excruciatingly slow for something that I usually write so this chapters gonna speed up pretty quickly lol. So without >much< more procrastinating and Top of the World on repeat, let's do this or whatever.

My mind was racing as I apparated to the hospital wing, grateful for the special 8th year privilege. 

She was hexed. Cho Chang had made the comment off-handedly, telling me there was no need to attend my session with Ginny when I asked where she was because she hadn't been to any of her lessons. Awkwardly I had excused myself and here I was, attempting to flatten my disheveled hair as I searched the beds to find Ginny's. Her red hair was bright and I saw her almost immediately. She was asleep, her features at rest. 

I guessed the hex placed upon her did not affect her too badly physically, as the only visible marks were a few bruises, not caused by a spell. Still, the thought of Ginny being hurt at all made my heart feel heavy.

The thought of my reputation popped up was quickly brushed aside. Cliche as it was, looking at Ginny I knew she needed me much more than my reputation as a rude git. Quietly I sat at the chair near her bed. For a while, I simply stared at her. That is, until I heard steps stop abruptly behind me. 

"You needed someone strong like Gin to break you down." Despite my best efforts, I felt a small smile on my face. 

"S'pose you want me to leave, Granger." I said warily, standing. I was still staring down at Ginny. 

"No, stay. She'll need someone when she wakes up. And she trusts you. She'll confide in what happened." I returned to my chair, nodding a silent goodbye to Hermione as she apparated away. I took Ginny's hand, and to my surprise she squeezed mine back.

"Draco," Her voice was quiet. "What're you doing here?" Ginny looked at me and an unexplained, awful feeling took over as she took her hand from mine.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." I told her, my face falling.

"Yeah, well, I'm fine. So you can go off and brood, stomp down your feelings, yell at a first year or- What Pomfrey?" I turned, where Madam Pomfrey was indeed standing. She had a cup, which she handed to Ginny.

"This should reverse the insulting curse, dear. You'll feel dizzy for a moment, but you'll be fine." Relief washed over me. It had only been the hex. Hadn't it? Of course, knowing me, doubt ebbed at my nice, good relief. Stupid negative thoughts always raining on my parade.

Still, could Ginny have meant what she had said. When I thought about it, they were probably true. As Pomfrey stepped closer to the bed to tend to Ginny, I stepped back and eventually turned towards the door.

The air was cold, and the breezeway was empty. For once, I was grateful my friends had returned home during the break. When I had returned to the common room, it was nearly completely empty. I flung myself onto the closest armchair as a few second years shuffled away quickly. I closed my eyes, meaning to only rest. Instead, I dropped into an uneasy sleep. It was dreamless, possibly the worst way to sleep. Like you're stuck between two different realms and you're frozen. 

Finally I awoke, the common room was now dark and warmer. The fireplace was lit and a few students were around. 

"Sleep good, Drac?" The familar voice made me cringe as I sat up. 

"What do you want, April?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. 

"Just wanted to see how you're doing. But I could leave. Wouldn't want to be insulting." A shiver traveled my spine, a twinge in my brain. I drew my wand and held it at my side.

"What did you do?" I demanded, now standing in front of April. 

"She doesn't suit you, Drac. What do you even want with a Gryffindor like her?" My wand inched closer to April as April inched closer to me. "Let her go. Sooner or later, she'll realize you're not her Chosen One. You were a rebound to get over Harry Potter."

"Petrificus totalus!" April froze and collapsed, bound by the spell. Walking past April, I muttered the counter spell and she animated again, pushing herself up. I didn't wait to hear what she was yelling. Instead, I apparated to the lake, where I had sat with Ginny. I sighed when I saw a glint of red hair already there.

Ginny stared blankly at the water, her knees drawn up to her chest. Silently, I copied her position, sitting beside her.

"Hey," She breathed, laying her head on top of her knees to face me. "I was sort of hoping you'd find me."

"I wasn't seeking you out I just-" I stopped as I noticed Ginny's worried expression. "But I'm glad I found you." I finished. Ginny smiled back weakly, holding her hand out. I took it. 

"You were right. About me stomping down my feelings. Brooding. Being a git in general." I said quietly.

"No, stop. I didn't mean any of it. It was all lies my mind made up. I'm sorry." Ginny had pressed herself close to me and now rested her head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry too. I know it was April. I should've stopped it, or seen it coming or-" Ginny cut me off, pressing her lips onto mine. She pulled back quickly, but I pulled to me, kissed her again. I fell rather ungracefully onto my back but it didn't matter because finally, I was kissing her.

Breaking apart, I noticed a glow in the sky and sat up to see the sun peaking from the horizon. I saw Ginny's features light up as I glanced at her, her hand in mine.

Is it just me or did my life turn into a cliche romance novel?

More to be added later, also idk what I'm doing with this story maybe one of them will die or something. Thanks for reading vote if u liked! Buh bi jelllybeens!

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