Chapter 6

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Louis's P.O.V

A few days have passed, every one of us keeping careful watch, seeing no signs of the raiders, yet. Me and Clem both preparing ourselves for the big jouney ahead of us, she has been been giving me some archery lessons here and there, i'd say I'm about a solid gold by now. We've been scheduled to leave in a few days, packing and such. Abel did give us some trouble, but we managed to 'Persuade' him by telling us where Lily has taken the others. We still haven't told Aj, Clem and I sat down the other day, chatting as usual, she mentioned she really didn't want to leave Aj by himself, I could understand what she meant by that, she feels he would be safer with us than with anybody else, but despite all her worrying she trusts Ruby, he will be far safer in Ericssons than the death trap possibly awaiting onward.Now that I think about it, we still haven't told Aj about us, people usually say that in times like this, there is no time for love...Only survive, the way I see it is to Always Live In The Moment. Even if we did die tomorrow at least I've lived my life how I choose to live it, that I've lived, I can't help how I feel around Clementine, it just happens, she makes me feel so alive, I swear,everytime she looks at me I can feel a lump in my throat, palms all sweaty, my heart beat racing, the last thing I think of before drifting of to sleep is her. Can't get her out of my head. I remember the other day hunting together...
I couldn't stop myself.
I wanted to touch her all over, not leaving one bit astray.

Today me and Clem are suppose to go hunting for the group, maybe, maybe il tell her, make it official official.

As I stare up at my ceiling, light bursting through the curtains, I hop out of bed, putting my boots and trusty coat on, walking over to the cracked mirror to sort my messy dreads, I look at Aj's drawing, it brings a smile to my face, that kid was something else, he was too precious for this world.
I promise that we will be a family someday little dude.

I walk out of the dorms towards our main front gate, I had to fix and rebaracade the front with Ten. It's bright and early, just the way I like it.

"Hey Louis" Ten says quite more cheerful tham usual.

"Morning Ten" I smile back.

Ten hands me some tools that he carried here from the admin building, he starts throwing bits of debris from the fire outside the gate, as I fortify the gate, wrapping it together with barbed wire. We talk, I ask him if he is okay, he said yes, I know he isn't, considering what Lily said about his sisters, I shouldn't have, but I promised we would bring Sophie and Minnie back.

"Louis"? Ten says.

" Uh yeah"?

"Are you and Clem together"?

His question left me in black and white, I really didn't know how to answer.

"Yes"! I blur out.

What possessed me? I guess I was hoping we were really together, this afternoon I shall find out.

We suddenly spot Willy with Rosie trailing behind him.

"That asshole Abel just got the last of our food". He says bluntly.

Ten frowns.

"Don't worry kiddo we will find some more food". I say smiling at him, I had to keep everyone happy.
Willy simply crosses his arms together looking grumpy, and walking away once again for patrol.

"As soon as you get the others back here do everyone a favor and stick an arrow so far down his throut it comes out his butt".

He says as he walks away.

I roll my eyes and Ten sights.
Willy wanted revenge, anger always manages to set deep in his mind. I nood at Ten, running after Willy, I manage to crack a smile after a few jokes.

Don't Let Me Go  (COMPLETE)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora