Chapter Two

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Sadin had just turned down yet another attempt at payment. "Please, take it! It's the least I can do!" The older Volcanogoer insisted, holding out the gems. Sadin shook her head, "No, it's fine, really. Keep your Escip." Sadin had run into this problem a lot. She helped people, often. It was just what she did. Every time, they offered to pay her. Every time, she declined it. Before he could offer again, Sadin walked away. She found it a bit ridiculous. She offered her help, she helped, and yet everyone assumed she wanted payment. Escip was useless when one wished for Ocean artifacts anyway. Escip was only good for merchants in Volcanoes, whereas to buy something from or by the ocean, one would use Quaris.
Sadin had been collecting Quaris for two Fourseasons, and she hoped she had enough to buy something off an Oceangoer at The Stargoer Festival. The Stargoer Festival, beamed after an old myth about a being who looked much like the night sky itself, was something every being looked forward to. Meeting an Oceangoer was Sadin's main hope. She just had to know, what was water like? What did feel like, was did it smell like? She also hoped to meet a Forestgoer. What did a tree look like? She had heard stories and had seen them from the top of he home (before she was told to climb down before she got hurt), but she had never seen one up close! Perhaps, though, this was the Fourseason she would be chosen. She had been of age for a full Fourseason, only missing the choosing by one day. She had the most inconvenient 16th Emergence Day in the entire Volcano, possibly the entire planet. Her Emergence Day would have to be celebrated once she got back, if she were chosen at all..

Sadin sat on the ledge she had claimed for herself. The wall of the Volcano was etched with drawings of many animals, which she had begged many older Volcanogoers to draw for her from memory. She loved the Volcano, but she always wanted to see more. She traced the image of a Dandera, a sleek and fast scale covered creature with very sharp claws. According to her father, Sundyme, they only came out during the night, when they could be hidden by the darkness against their black bodies. Sadin hoped to see one someday.. They sounded beautiful. The young Volcanogoer looked up as the clouds passed over the opening of the Volcano, pondering if she should climb up to see if the Skywriters had any prophecy for her.

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