Chapter 24. Confession

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I stared wide eyed at Claire as those words escape past her lips.

Elina's my mate?

I know, I have always had those feelings for her which I have never felt for anyone.

I liked it when she smiled, laughed, even when she was angry at me she looked beyond cute. The way she makes me want to tease her. The way her heartbeat quickens the moment I get closer. All of it, I liked all of those feelings.

But I have never in my dreams, thought she was my soulmate. She made me like her so much that I forgot about my soulmate or I clearly ignored the fact that my mate did exist.

At this moment, I was beyond happy. Many emotions swirling in my mind at thought of her being my mate.


Wasn't she supposed to have the matemark on her wrist just like mine?

Claire told it isn't visible. Damn! Even mine isn't visible so how could I possibly wander around for looking for the mark!

I felt so stupid of myself for searching for the girl with the matemark over centuries.

Anyways, I am soo happy that I can forget about all those time and dance under the starry sky with Elina in my arms.

Wait, did she feel the same way like I feel?

I wouldn't force her to be with me if she didn't. I would let her make her decision. The thought of her being away from made me upset. I didn't want that to happen.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't even notice Claire clumsily getting up from the bed trying to keep herself from falling. She was now in front of me waving her hand in the air trying to catch my attention but to no avail.

"Snap out of it man!" She snapped her fingers, successfully getting me out of my trance "Really now? Do I need to tell you every single thing?"

I looked up at her, still confused as to what she wanted to tell.

She sighed shaking her head "Get your ass off the couch and Go tell Elina that you love her. Now don't deny it. I know you do." she gave me an encouraging smile.

Did I love her?

Hell! I did.

Without wasting any more second, I got up to go where Elina is before placing a kiss on Claire's cheek muttering a 'thank you'. She just chuckled at my excitement.

I walked past many servants as I walked through the corridors. Suddenly, the corridors seemed so long.

Where would she be?

I bumped into Daniel on my way who just grinned jaw to jaw giving me an 'I know everything' look.

Daniel was one of my best friend after Claire, ofcourse. Even though, the new queen wasn't the sought of a person who liked befriending vampires, the former queen (Daniel's birth mother) never discriminalised between different species and I am glad about it. He and I used to hang out together before my parents death. Then things got chaotic and I became all to myself trying to control my powers.

I know Daniel is kind of a flirty person-not really-but he cares about us (Me, Stephen and Claire) even if we are not werewolves.

"Where's Elina?" I asked knowing for sure he would know.

He's been hanging a lot around her nowadays. I will have to tell him not to play around with her.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

He shrugged knowing that I already have the acknowledgement that he exactly knows where she is.

"Chill, Dude. Don't get jealous. She's all yours." He shrugged yet again, the million dollar grin still intact.

I raised an eyebrow realising why he was grinning like an idiot.

"You heard." I stated crossing my arms.

"Come on. I was just passing by and just wanted to know who you're mate was. I didn't intend to eavesdrop, okay. Now don't lecture me on manners and stuff." He whined scratching his neck.

After a moment of awkward silence, we both laughed at the situation then he said me that Elina was in the garden and wished me luck. He actually heard every single thing!

Cool breeze of winter brushed past me causing my already messy hair to fall on my forehead. I was in the garden where Elina is supposed to be according to Daniel.

A smiled formed on my face finding her gazing at the stars hugging herself due to the cold air.

I ran in my vampire speed to stand behind her. She shuddered at the gush of air and turned to look at me straight in the eyes with those baby blue orbs.

I didn't know why but she looked kind of worried. Should I tell her now? I think I am just making up things to avoid telling her about my feelings. Shrugging I decided to say what I had intended to.

I would tell her about my feeling for her first before dropping the soulmate bomb. In case, she didn't return back the feelings then I will not tell her about soulmate bond. I don't want her to comply her feelings just because of the bond.

"Elina, I wanted to tell you something." I started. Without speaking anything, she nodded for me to continue. I took her hand and intertwined our fingers much to her surprise. Taking a deep breath I began,

"The first time I met you, You were so fierce and funny about to drag a stake through my heart thinking I was some crazed vampire trying to attack humans." I smiled at the memory so did she. "Ever since, all I have thought is about you. I even offered you a job in my mansion so that you could be near me. You used to argue with me for every single thing, glare at me with your beautiful eyes still I found you fascinating. With every passing day I fell more and more for you. I wanted to be the one to make you smile. I wanted to take away every sorrow of your life. I wanted to see you happy, always." I paused to let her take in my words before I uttered those three magical words.

"I love you, Elina." I confessed with all my heart.

She bit on her lower lip, her eyes turning glossy. And the next moment I know, tears were flowing down her cheeks effortlessly.

I felt myself panic looking at her sobing. She untangled her hands from mine reluctantly stepping back. I stepped ahead but she took a step back. I tried to wipe her tears but she shook her head.

Oh, no. Did I say something wrong?

I shouldn't have confessed. It was my fault that she was crying. I messed up everything. But why was she crying?

I was so confused.

I looked at her as she wiped her tears from her long sleeves and looked at me with glassy eyes trying to control her tears from falling back. After many attempts to say something as words didn't seem to come out of her, she at last spoke,

"Did you kill my parents, Evan?"

And I stilled.


What's with Elina's sudden change in behaviour? You'll get to know in the next chapter;)

I know I am so bad for ending such a sweet moment by an atom bomb. I am really sorry. Elina needs to catch up a lot of things. So, I had to do this. But that doesn't mean it's the end of Evan and Elina;)

The next chapter will be updated on Sunday:)

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