How It Ended

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The snowflakes fell slowly and gathered on the tops of all the gravestones. The priest kept reading out a few passages as he sprinkled holy water into the grave.

To my left, my dad was holding my mum as she sobbed softly into his shoulder. Zach was standing beside them in a little black suit, his dark hair was neatly gelled and parted, but I saw how the tears welled in his eyes and spilled over.

I dug my hands into my trouser pockets and closed my eyes, tuning out the priest's monotonous droning.

And I remembered her... The one who started it all.

"Zion? Are you okay?" She asked softly.

"Not really. Are you?"

"Not really." She sighed.

After a while she spoke again, "You know you can't tell your family what really happened, right?"

"Yeah..." I sighed "It sucks though. They would go through so much grief and won't even know the truth."

"It's the price we have to pay to keep our loved ones safe."

I turned to her, "What are you going to do now? You're technically an orphan."

She shrugged, "I can take care of myself. But I'll be busting similar illegal research facilities for the time being."

"So you're going to be a super hero?"

"Don't go stupid on me now Wesley," She rolled her eyes.

I smiled as we both sat there in Zoe's Aston Martin in the cold Russian night.

"Hey Riley?"


"You didn't want to go out with me because you didn't want to share your DNA accidentally and put me on their radar right?"

"And he's finally grown a brain!" She said. "I didn't know how to explain it to you."

"So, in hindsight, you were protecting me all along?"

"What can I say? You have an annoying ability to grow on people" She smiled again.

"You should smile more, it's  pretty on you"

"Thank you... For everything."

"Thank you too, Riley Parker."

"I think I finally have an answer for you... about the whole resurrecting your brother issue," she said

"I'm listening,"

"Since he was like a mini project silver, I must've instinctively healed him, it's just a theory, but maybe every super soldier can heal the other,"

"So... Zach is one of you?" I furrowed my brows.

She rolled her eyes, "No silly. It must've been the 'treats' Zoe sent, they temporarily made him one, but not without side effects,"

I grimaced when I remembered how he got seizures after every "treat" was delivered.

Just then, my phone beeped with a new message. It was from Sydney:

Hey Cuz, I wanted to let you know that I'm heading back to Italy, the fight is over.
I'm sorry for everything, I know I behave like a psycho, I never have a particular interest or hobby, always changing personalities, but you never asked me why.

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